Kirk Scheper
Cited by
Cited by
Unsupervised learning of a hierarchical spiking neural network for optical flow estimation: From events to global motion perception
F Paredes-Vallés, KYW Scheper, GCHE De Croon
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 42 (8), 2051-2064, 2019
Behavior Trees for Evolutionary Robotics
KYW Scheper, S Tijmons, CC de Visser, GCHE de Croon
Artificial life 22 (1), 23-48, 2016
On-board communication-based relative localization for collision avoidance in micro air vehicle teams
M Coppola, KN McGuire, KYW Scheper, GCHE de Croon
Autonomous robots 42, 1787-1805, 2018
Vertical landing for micro air vehicles using event‐based optical flow
BJ Pijnacker Hordijk, KYW Scheper, GCHE De Croon
Journal of Field Robotics 35 (1), 69-90, 2018
Taming contrast maximization for learning sequential, low-latency, event-based optical flow
F Paredes-Vallés, KYW Scheper, C De Wagter, GCHE De Croon
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
Abstraction, sensory-motor coordination, and the reality gap in evolutionary robotics
KYW Scheper, GCHE De Croon
Artificial life 23 (2), 124-141, 2017
Evolution of robust high speed optical-flow-based landing for autonomous MAVs
KYW Scheper, GCHE de Croon
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 124, 103380, 2020
A tailless flapping wing mav performing monocular visual servoing tasks
DA Olejnik, BP Duisterhof, M Karásek, KYW Scheper, T Van Dijk, ...
Unmanned Systems 8 (04), 287-294, 2020
A low cost, high resolution acoustic camera with a flexible microphone configuration
R van der Goot, J Hendriks, K Scheper, G Hermans, W van der Wal, ...
Paper, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, 2012
First autonomous multi-room exploration with an insect-inspired flapping wing vehicle
KYW Scheper, M Karásek, C De Wagter, BDW Remes, GCHE De Croon
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5546-5552, 2018
Abstraction as a mechanism to cross the reality gap in evolutionary robotics
KYW Scheper, GCHE de Croon
From Animals to Animats 14: 14th International Conference on Simulation of …, 2016
Behaviour trees for evolutionary robotics: Reducing the reality gap
KYW Scheper
Application of Frequency-Limited Adaptive Quadrocopter Control
KYW Scheper, D Magree, T Yucelen, G De La Torre, EN Johnson
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control: Selected Papers of …, 2013
Aerodynamic system identification of fixed-wing UAV
KY Scheper, G Chowdhary, EN Johnson
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics (AFM) Conference, 4920, 2013
Abstraction as a tool to bridge the reality gap in evolutionary robotics
K Scheper
On-board bluetooth-based relative localization for collision avoidance in micro air vehicle swarms
M Coppola, K McGuire, KY Scheper, GC De Croon
arXiv preprint arXiv 1609, 2016
Vertical Landing for Micro Air Vehicles using Event-Based Optical Flow
K Scheper, G de Croon, BJP Hordijk
Journal of Field Robotics 35 (1), 69-90, 2017
APIAN-INF: a Low-Speed Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Investigation of Pylon–Pusher Propeller Interaction Effects
T Sinnige, AMN Malgoezar, D Ragni, M Snellen, G Eitelberg, ...
CEAS 2015: 5th CEAS Air and Space Conference" Challenges in European …, 2015
Autofocus imaging circuitry, autofocus imaging apparatus, and autofocus imaging method for an event camera
K Scheper, P Dürr, O Erdler
US Patent 12,137,287, 2024
Apparatuses and methods for collision avoidance
H Schäfer, K Scheper
US Patent App. 18/008,984, 2023
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Articles 1–20