jerome lemoine
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Cited by
Molecular organization of the alkali-insoluble fraction ofAspergillus fumigatus cell wall
T Fontaine, C Simenel, G Dubreucq, O Adam, M Delepierre, J Lemoine, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (36), 27594-27607, 2000
Clinical quantitation of prostate-specific antigen biomarker in the low nanogram/milliliter range by conventional bore liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (multiple …
T Fortin, A Salvador, JP Charrier, C Lenz, X Lacoux, A Morla, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8 (5), 1006-1015, 2009
Proteomic analysis reveals that 14-3-3σ is down-regulated in human breast cancer cells
AS Vercoutter-Edouart, J Lemoine, X Le Bourhis, H Louis, B Boilly, ...
Cancer research 61 (1), 76-80, 2001
Sialylation and sulfation of the carbohydrate chains in respiratory mucins from a patient with cystic fibrosis.
JM Lo-Guidice, JM Wieruszeski, J Lemoine, A Verbert, P Roussel, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 269 (29), 18794-18813, 1994
Molecular characterization of two novel antibacterial peptides inducible upon bacterial challenge in an annelid, the leech Theromyzon tessulatum
A Tasiemski, F Vandenbulcke, G Mitta, J Lemoine, C Lefebvre, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (30), 30973-30982, 2004
Multiple reaction monitoring cubed for protein quantification at the low nanogram/milliliter level in nondepleted human serum
T Fortin, A Salvador, JP Charrier, C Lenz, F Bettsworth, X Lacoux, ...
Analytical Chemistry 81 (22), 9343-9352, 2009
Collision-induced dissociation of alkali metal cationized and permethylated oligosaccharides: influence of the collision energy and of the collision gas for the assignment of …
J Lemoine, B Fournet, D Despeyroux, KR Jennings, R Rosenberg, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 4 (3), 197-203, 1993
Proteomics of breast cancer for marker discovery and signal pathway profiling
H Hondermarck, AS Vercoutter‐Edouart, F Révillion, J Lemoine, ...
PROTEOMICS: International Edition 1 (10), 1216-1232, 2001
Structure analysis of branched oligosaccharides using post‐source decay in matrix‐assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry
B Spengler, D Kirsch, R Kaufmann, J Lemoine
Organic mass spectrometry 29 (12), 782-787, 1994
Structural characterization of the exocellular polysaccharides produced by Streptococcus thermophilus SFi39 and SFi12
J Lemoine, F Chirat, JM Wieruszeski, G Strecker, N Favre, JR Neeser
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (9), 3512-3518, 1997
HIV-1 Tat protein transduction domain peptide facilitates gene transfer in combination with cationic liposomes
L Hyndman, JL Lemoine, L Huang, DJ Porteous, AC Boyd, X Nan
Journal of Controlled Release 99 (3), 435-444, 2004
Association of ATP synthase α-chain with neurofibrillary degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease
N Sergeant, A Wattez, M Galvn-Valencia, A Ghestem, JP David, ...
Neuroscience 117 (2), 293-303, 2003
The antiapoptotic effect of fibroblast growth factor-2 is mediated through nuclear factor-κB activation induced via interaction between Akt and IκB kinase-β in breast cancer cells
F Vandermoere, E Yazidi-Belkoura, E Adriaenssens, J Lemoine, ...
Oncogene 24 (35), 5482-5491, 2005
Identification of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine proteins in rat skeletal muscle using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry
C Cieniewski-Bernard, B Bastide, T Lefebvre, J Lemoine, Y Mounier, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (6), 577-585, 2004
The differentiability of the drag with respect to the variations of a Lipschitz domain in a Navier--Stokes flow
JA Bello, E Fernández-Cara, J Lemoine, J Simon
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 35 (2), 626-640, 1997
Characterization of N-glycans from Arabidopsis. Application to a fucose-deficient mutant
C Rayon, M Cabanes-Macheteau, C Loutelier-Bourhis, I Salliot-Maire, ...
Plant Physiology 119 (2), 725-734, 1999
Proteomics exploration reveals that actin is a signaling target of the kinase Akt
F Vandermoere, I El Yazidi-Belkoura, Y Demont, C Slomianny, J Antol, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 6 (1), 114-124, 2007
The valosin-containing protein (VCP) is a target of Akt signaling required for cell survival
F Vandermoere, I El Yazidi-Belkoura, C Slomianny, Y Demont, G Bidaux, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (20), 14307-14313, 2006
Total ApoE and ApoE4 isoform assays in an Alzheimer's disease case-control study by targeted mass spectrometry (n= 669): a pilot assay for methionine-containing proteotypic …
R Simon, M Girod, C Fonbonne, A Salvador, Y Clement, P Lanteri, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11 (11), 1389-1403, 2012
Folding of a salivary intrinsically disordered protein upon binding to tannins
F Canon, R Ballivian, F Chirot, R Antoine, P Sarni-Manchado, J Lemoine, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (20), 7847-7852, 2011
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Articles 1–20