Dick Houtman
Dick Houtman
Professor of Sociology, University of Leuven
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The Spiritual Turn and the Decline of Tradition: The Spread of Post-Christian Spirituality in Fourteen Western Countries (1981-2000)
D Houtman, S Aupers
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46 (3), 305-320, 2007
Beyond the Spiritual Supermarket: The Social and Public Significance of New Age Spirituality
S Aupers, D Houtman
Journal of Contemporary Religion 21 (2), 201-222, 2006
Things: Religion and the Question of Materiality
D Houtman, B Meyer
Fordham University Press, 2012
Class Is Not Dead - It Has Been Buried Alive: Class Voting and Cultural Voting In Postwar Western Societies (1956-1990)
J Van der Waal, P Achterberg, D Houtman
Politics & Society 35 (3), 403-426, 2007
Why Do Churches Become Empty, while New Age Grows? Secularization and Religious Change in the Netherlands
D Houtman, P Mascini
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 41 (3), 455-473, 2002
'Stormfront Is Like a Second Home to Me': On Virtual Community Formation by Right-Wing Extremists
W De Koster, D Houtman
Information, Communication & Society 11 (8), 1155-1176, 2008
‘Some Are More Equal than Others’: Economic Egalitarianism and Welfare Chauvinism in the Netherlands
J Van der Waal, P Achterberg, D Houtman, W De Koster, K Manevska
Journal of European Social Policy 20 (4), 350-363, 2010
Religions of Modernity: Relocating the Sacred to the Self and the Digital
S Aupers, D Houtman
Leiden: Brill, 2010
Introduction: material religion-how things matter
B Meyer, D Houtman
Why Do So Many People Vote ‘Unnaturally’? A Cultural Explanation for Voting Behaviour
P Achterberg, D Houtman
European Journal of Political Research 45 (1), 75-92, 2006
Farewell to the Leftist Working Class
D Houtman, P Achterberg, A Derks
Transaction Publishers, 2012
Class and Politics in Contemporary Social Science: "Marxism Lite" and Its Blind Spot for Culture
D Houtman
Aldine de Gruyter, 2003
Ideologically Illogical? Why Do the Lower-Educated Dutch Display so Little Value Coherence?
P Achterberg, D Houtman
Social Forces 87 (3), 1649-1670, 2009
Unknowing but Supportive? Predispositions, Knowledge, and Support for Hydrogen Technology in the Netherlands
P Achterberg, D Houtman, S Van Bohemen, K Manevska
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (12), 6075-6083, 2010
Chapter 18: New Age Ethics
D Houtman, S Aupers
Mel Gray & Stephen Webb (eds), Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work …, 2010
A Christian Cancellation of the Secularist Truce? Waning Christian Religiosity and Waxing Religious Deprivatization in the West
P Achterberg, D Houtman, S Aupers, W de Koster, P Mascini, ...
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48 (4), 687-701, 2009
A Cultural Globalization of Popular Music? American, Dutch, French, and German Popular Music Charts (1965 to 2006)
P Achterberg, J Heilbron, D Houtman, S Aupers
American Behavioral Scientist 55 (5), 589-608, 2011
The Spiritual Revolution and the New Age Gender Puzzle: The Sacralisation of the Self in Late Modernity (1980–2000)
D Houtman, S Aupers
Women and Religion in the West: Challenging Secularization, edited by …, 2008
Class, Culture, and Conservatism: Reassessing Education as a Variable in Political Sociology
D Houtman
The Breakdown of Class Politics: A Debate on Post-Industrial Stratification …, 2001
Lipset and “Working-Class” Authoritarianism
D Houtman
The American Sociologist 34 (1), 85-103, 2003
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