J.G.B. Oostermeijer
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Integrating demographic and genetic approaches in plant conservation
JGB Oostermeijer, SH Luijten, JCM Den Nijs
Biological conservation 113 (3), 389-398, 2003
Offspring fitness in relation to population size and genetic variation in the rare perennial plant species Gentiana pneumonanthe (Gentianaceae)
JGB Oostermeijer, MW Van Eijck, JCM Den Nijs
Oecologia 97, 289-296, 1994
Population structure of the rare, long-lived perennial Gentiana pneumonanthe in relation to vegetation and management in The Netherlands
JCM Oostermeijer, JGB, vanʼt Veer, R. & den Nijs
Journal of Applied Ecology 31, 428-438, 1994
How do plant ecologists use matrix population models?
EE Crone, ES Menges, MM Ellis, T Bell, P Bierzychudek, J Ehrlén, ...
Ecology letters 14 (1), 1-8, 2011
Population Size, Genetic Variation, and Reproductive Success in a Rapidly Declining, Self‐Incompatible Perennial (Arnica montana) in The Netherlands
SH Luijten, A Dierick, J Gerard, B Oostermeijer, LEL Raijmann, ...
Conservation Biology 14 (6), 1776-1787, 2000
Genetic variation and outcrossing rate in relation to population size in Gentiana pneumonanthe L
LEL Raijmann, NC Van Leeuwen, R Kersten, JGB Oostermeijer, ...
Conservation Biology 8 (4), 1014-1026, 1994
Temporal and spatial variation in the demography of Gentiana pneumonanthe, a rare perennial herb
JGB Oostermeijer, ML Brugman, ER De Boer, HCM Den Nijs
Journal of ecology, 153-166, 1996
Demographic variation and population viability in Gentianella campestris: effects of grassland management and environmental stochasticity
T Lennartsson, JGB Oostermeijer
Journal of Ecology, 451-463, 2001
The relationship between butterflies and environmental indicator values: a tool for conservation in a changing landscape
JGB Oostermeijer, CAM Van Swaay
Biological conservation 86 (3), 271-280, 1998
Relationships between Population and Habitat Characteristics and Reproduction of the Rare Gentiana pneumonanthe L.
JGB Oostermeijer, SH Luijten, ZV Křenová, HCM Den Nijs
Conservation Biology 12 (5), 1042-1053, 1998
Ability of matrix models to explain the past and predict the future of plant populations
EE Crone, MM Ellis, WF Morris, A Stanley, T Bell, P Bierzychudek, ...
Conservation Biology 27 (5), 968-978, 2013
Population structure of Salvia pratensis in relation to vegetation and management of Dutch dry floodplain grasslands
SJ Hegland, M Van Leeuwen, JGB Oostermeijer*
Journal of applied Ecology 38 (6), 1277-1289, 2001
Analysis of the relationship between allozyme heterozygosity and fitness in the rare Gentiana pneumonanthe L.
JGB Oostermeijer, MW Van Eijck, NC Van Leeuwen, JCM Den Nijs
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 8 (6), 739-759, 1995
Impact of plant invasions on local arthropod communities: a meta‐analysis
T van Hengstum, DAP Hooftman, JGB Oostermeijer, PH van Tienderen
Journal of Ecology 102 (1), 4-11, 2014
Genetic factors in threatened species recovery plans on three continents
JC Pierson, DJ Coates, JGB Oostermeijer, SR Beissinger, JG Bragg, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (8), 433-440, 2016
Population viability analysis of the rare Gentiana pneumonanthe: importance of genetics, demography, and reproductive biology
JGB Oostermeijer
CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2000
Demographic consequences of inbreeding and outbreeding in Arnica montana: a field experiment
SH Luijten, M Kéry, JGB Oostermeijer, Hans (J.) CM Den Nijs
Journal of Ecology, 593-603, 2002
Does the presence of ant nests matter for oviposition to a specialized myrmecophilous Maculinea butterfly?
H Dyck, JGB Oostermeijer, W Talloen, V Feenstra, A Hidde, I Wynhoff
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Epiphytic bromeliad communities in secondary and mature forest in a tropical premontane area
A Cascante-Marín, JHD Wolf, JGB Oostermeijer, JCM Den Nijs, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 7 (6), 520-532, 2006
Myrmecochory in Polygala vulgaris L., Luzula campestris (L.) DC. and Viola curtisii Forster in a Dutch dune area
JGB Oostermeijer
Oecologia 78, 302-311, 1989
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