Inge Sieben
Inge Sieben
Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Tilburg University
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Employment status and subjective well-being: the role of the social norm to work
K Stam, I Sieben, E Verbakel, PM de Graaf
Work, employment and society 30 (2), 309-333, 2016
Does training trigger turnover-or not? The impact of formal training on graduates' job search behaviour
I Sieben
Work, Employment and Society 21 (3), 397-416, 2007
Attitudes towards income inequality:‘Winners’ versus ‘losers’ of the perceived meritocracy
KLA Roex, T Huijts, I Sieben
Acta sociologica 62 (1), 47-63, 2019
Family background and sibling resemblance in educational attainment. Trends in the former FRG, the former GDR, and the Netherlands
I Sieben, J Huinink, PM De Graaf
European Sociological Review 17 (4), 401-430, 2001
Testing the modernization hypothesis and the socialist ideology hypothesis: a comparative sibling analysis of educational attainment and occupational status
I Sieben, PM De Graaf
The British Journal of Sociology 52 (3), 441-467, 2001
Maten voor prestige, sociaal-economische status en sociale klasse voor de Standaard Beroepen Classificatie 1992
BFM Bakker, I Sieben, P Nieuwbeerta, HBG Ganzeboom
Sociale Wetenschappen 40, 1-22, 1997
Stability or change of public opinion and values during the coronavirus crisis? Exploring Dutch longitudinal panel data
T Reeskens, Q Muis, I Sieben, L Vandecasteele, R Luijkx, L Halman
European Societies 23 (sup1), S153-S171, 2021
The effects of human resource management on small firms’ productivity and employees’ wages
A de Grip*, I Sieben
Applied Economics 37 (9), 1047-1054, 2005
The effectiveness of more advanced human resource systems in small firms
A De Grip, I Sieben
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 20 (9), 1914-1928, 2009
Sibling similarities and social stratification: The impact of family background across countries and cohorts
IJP Sieben
[Sl: sn], 2001
Tolerance towards homosexuality in Europe: Population composition, economic affluence, religiosity, same-sex union legislation and HIV rates as explanations for country differences
S Slenders, I Sieben, E Verbakel
International Sociology 29 (4), 348-367, 2014
The public acceptance of voluntary childlessness in the Netherlands: From 20 to 90 per cent in 30 years
S Noordhuizen, P de Graaf, I Sieben
Social indicators research 99, 163-181, 2010
Logistische regressie analyse: een handleiding
I Sieben, L Linssen
Geraadpleegd via www. ru. nl/publish/pages/525898/logistischeregressie. pdf, 2009
Mapping the context and practice of training, development and HRD in European call centres
TN Garavan, JP Wilson, C Cross, R Carbery, I Sieben, A de Grip, ...
Journal of European Industrial Training 32 (8/9), 612-728, 2008
The total impact of the family on educational attainment: A comparative sibling analysis
IJP Sieben, P de Graaf
European Societies 5 (1), 33-68, 2003
Technology, selection, and training in call centers
I Sieben, A De Grip, J Longen, O Sørensen
ILR Review 62 (4), 553-572, 2009
European values in numbers: Trends and traditions at the turn of the century
R Luijkx, L Halman, I Sieben, E Brislinger, M Quandt
Brill, 2016
Schooling or social origin? The bias in the effect of educational attainment on social orientations
I Sieben, PM De Graaf
European Sociological Review 20 (2), 107-122, 2004
Atlas of European Values: Change and continuity in turbulent times
L Halman, T Reeskens, I Sieben, M van Zundert
Open Press Tilburg University, 2022
About the European Values Study
L Halman, I Sieben, M van Zundert
Atlas of European Values. Trends and Traditions at the turn of the Century …, 2013
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