Ignace TC Hooge
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Cited by
The ‘real-world approach’and its problems: A critique of the term ecological validity
GA Holleman, ITC Hooge, C Kemner, RS Hessels
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 721, 2020
Faces retain attention
M Bindemann, AM Burton, ITC Hooge, R Jenkins, EHF De Haan
Psychonomic bulletin & review 12, 1048-1053, 2005
Adjustment of fixation duration in visual search
ITC Hooge, CJ Erkelens
Vision research 38 (9), 1295-IN4, 1998
Control of fixation duration in a simple search task
ITC Hooge, CJ Erkelens
Perception & Psychophysics 58, 969-976, 1996
The area-of-interest problem in eyetracking research: A noise-robust solution for face and sparse stimuli
RS Hessels, C Kemner, C van den Boomen, ITC Hooge
Behavior research methods 48, 1694-1712, 2016
Do you like what you see? The role of first fixation and total fixation duration in consumer choice
LN van der Laan, ITC Hooge, DTD De Ridder, MA Viergever, ...
Food Quality and Preference 39, 46-55, 2015
Noise-robust fixation detection in eye movement data: Identification by two-means clustering (I2MC)
RS Hessels, DC Niehorster, C Kemner, ITC Hooge
Behavior research methods 49, 1802-1823, 2017
Delayed attentional engagement in the attentional blink.
MR Nieuwenstein, MM Chun, RHJ van der Lubbe, ITC Hooge
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 31 (6 …, 2005
Peripheral vision and oculomotor control during visual search
ITC Hooge, CJ Erkelens
Vision research 39 (8), 1567-1575, 1999
Coarse-to-fine eye movement strategy in visual search
EAB Over, ITC Hooge, BNS Vlaskamp, CJ Erkelens
Vision Research 47 (17), 2272-2280, 2007
Is the eye-movement field confused about fixations and saccades? A survey among 124 researchers
RS Hessels, DC Niehorster, M Nyström, R Andersson, ITC Hooge
Royal Society open science 5 (8), 180502, 2018
What to expect from your remote eye-tracker when participants are unrestrained
DC Niehorster, THW Cornelissen, K Holmqvist, ITC Hooge, RS Hessels
Behavior research methods 50, 213-227, 2018
Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline
K Holmqvist, SL Örbom, ITC Hooge, DC Niehorster, RG Alexander, ...
Behavior research methods, 1-53, 2022
Hypervigilance for fear after basolateral amygdala damage in humans
D Terburg, BE Morgan, ER Montoya, IT Hooge, HB Thornton, AR Hariri, ...
Translational Psychiatry 2 (5), e115-e115, 2012
The impact of slippage on the data quality of head-worn eye trackers
DC Niehorster, T Santini, RS Hessels, ITC Hooge, E Kasneci, M Nyström
Behavior research methods 52, 1140-1160, 2020
Nature of variability in saccades
JBJ Smeets, ITC Hooge
Journal of neurophysiology 90 (1), 12-20, 2003
Inhibition of return is not a foraging facilitator in saccadic search and free viewing
ITC Hooge, EAB Over, RJA van Wezel, MA Frens
Vision research 45 (14), 1901-1908, 2005
Goal-directed visual attention drives health goal priming: An eye-tracking experiment.
LN Van der Laan, EK Papies, ITC Hooge, PAM Smeets
Health Psychology 36 (1), 82, 2017
Crowding degrades saccadic search performance
BNS Vlaskamp, ITC Hooge
Vision research 46 (3), 417-425, 2006
Eye tracking in developmental cognitive neuroscience–The good, the bad and the ugly
RS Hessels, ITC Hooge
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 40, 100710, 2019
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Articles 1–20