Geert Driessen
Geert Driessen
Educational Researcher
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Parental involvement and educational achievement
G Driessen, F Smit, P Sleegers
British educational research journal 31 (4), 509-532, 2005
Segregation by choice? A study of group-specific reasons for school choice
E Denessen, G Driessen, P Sleegers
Journal of Education Policy 20 (3), 347-368, 2005
The feminization of primary education: Effects of teachers’ sex on pupil achievement, attitudes and behaviour
G Driessen
International Review of Education 53, 183-203, 2007
Ethnicity, forms of capital, and educational achievement
GWJM Driessen
International Review of Education 47 (6), 513-538, 2001
Ethnic and socioeconomic class composition and language proficiency: a longitudinal multilevel examination in Dutch elementary schools
FWP Van der Slik, GWJM Driessen, KLJ De Bot
European sociological review 22 (3), 293-308, 2006
School composition and achievement in primary education: A large-scale multilevel approach
G Driessen
Studies in educational evaluation 28 (4), 347-368, 2002
Islamic schools in three western countries: Policy and procedure
MS Merry, G Driessen
Comparative education 41 (4), 411-432, 2005
Islamic schools in the Netherlands: Expansion or marginalization?
G Driessen, MS Merry
Interchange 37, 201-223, 2006
Complex inequalities of educational opportunities. A large-scale longitudinal study on the relation between gender, social class, ethnicity and school success
HPJM Dekkers, RJ Bosker, GWJM Driessen
Educational research and evaluation 6 (1), 59-82, 2000
Gender differences in primary and secondary education: Are girls really outperforming boys?
G Driessen, A Van Langen
International Review of Education 59, 67-86, 2013
Home language and language proficiency: A large-scale longitudinal study in Dutch primary schools
G Driessen, F Van der Slik, K De Bot
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 23 (3), 175-194, 2002
Types of parents and school strategies aimed at the creation of effective partnerships.
F Smit, G Driessen, R Sluiter, P Sleegers
International Journal about Parents in Education 1 (0), 45-52, 2009
The limits of educational policy and practice? The case of ethnic minorities in The Netherlands
G Driessen
Comparative education 36 (1), 55-72, 2000
Consistency of teaching approach and student achievement: An empirical test
G Driessen, P Sleegers
School effectiveness and school improvement 11 (1), 57-79, 2000
Basisonderwijs: Veldwerkverslag, leerlinggegevens en oudervragenlijsten. Basisrapportage PRIMA-cohortonderzoek. Derde meting 1998/99.
G Driessen, A van Langen, H Vierken
Nijmegen: ITS., 2000
Teacher ethnicity, student ethnicity, and student outcomes
G Driessen
Intercultural Education 26 (3), 179-191, 2015
De onderwijspositie van allochtone leerlingen: de rol van sociaal-economische en etnisch-culturele factoren, met speciale aandacht voor het onderwijs in eigen taal en cultuur
GWJM Driessen
Nijmegen: Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociale Wetenschappen, 1990
'Peer group' effecten op onderwijsprestaties. Een internationaal review van effecten, verklaringen en theoretische en methodologische aspecten.
G Driessen
Een internationaal, 2007
Cohortonderzoek COOL5-18. Technisch rapport basisonderwijs, eerste meting 2007/08
G Driessen, L Mulder, G Ledoux, J Roeleveld, van der Veen, I
ITS Nijmegen, 2009
Cohortonderzoek COOL5-18. Technisch rapport basisonderwijs, derde meting 2013/14
G Driessen, D Elshof, L Mulder, J Roeleveld
Nijmegen: ITS/ Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut., 2015
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