Marco Gerards
Marco Gerards
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CλaSH: structural descriptions of synchronous hardware using haskell
C Baaij, M Kooijman, J Kuper, A Boeijink, M Gerards
Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD), 2010 13th …, 2010
Demand side management using profile steering
MET Gerards, HA Toersche, G Hoogsteen, T van der Klauw, JL Hurink, ...
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
On the interplay between global DVFS and scheduling tasks with precedence constraints
MET Gerards, JL Hurink, J Kuper
IEEE Transactions on Computers 64 (6), 1754, 2014
Optimal DPM and DVFS for frame-based real-time systems
MET Gerards, J Kuper
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 9 (4), 41:1-41:23, 2013
A survey of offline algorithms for energy minimization under deadline constraints
MET Gerards, JL Hurink, PKF Hölzenspies
Journal of Scheduling 19 (1), 3-19, 2016
Resource allocation problems in decentralized energy management
T van der Klauw, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
OR Spectrum 39 (3), 749-773, 2017
Robust peak-shaving for a neighborhood with electric vehicles
MET Gerards, JL Hurink
Energies 9 (8), 594, 2016
Optimal scheduling of electrical vehicle charging under two types of steering signals
T van der Klauw, MET Gerards, GJM Smit, JL Hurink
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2014 …, 2014
Analytic clock frequency selection for global DVFS
MET Gerards, JL Hurink, PKF Holzenspies, J Kuper, GJM Smit
Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2014 22nd …, 2014
Algorithmic power management-Energy minimisation under real-time constraints
MET Gerards
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, 2014
Streaming reduction circuit
M Gerards, J Kuper, A Kokkeler, B Molenkamp
2009 12th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Architectures …, 2009
Higher-Order Abstraction in Hardware Descriptions with CλaSH
M Gerards, C Baaij, J Kuper, M Kooijman
Digital System Design (DSD), 2011 14th Euromicro Conference on, 495-502, 2011
Exercises in architecture specification using CλaSH
J Kuper, C Baaij, M Kooijman, M Gerards
2010 Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL 2010), 1-6, 2010
Streaming reduction circuit for sparse matrix vector multiplication in FPGAs
MET Gerards
Online electric vehicle charging with discrete charging rates
MHHS Uiterkamp, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 25, 100423, 2021
Fill-level prediction in online valley-filling algorithms for electric vehicle charging
MHHS Uiterkamp, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
2018 IEEE PES innovative smart grid technologies conference Europe (ISGT …, 2018
Assessing the potential of residential HVAC systems for demand-side management
T van der Klauw, G Hoogsteen, MET Gerards, JL Hurink, X Feng, ...
2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2016
A multi-objective decentralized optimization for voltage regulators and energy storage devices in active distribution systems
B Ahmadi, JS Giraldo, G Hoogsteen, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 153, 109330, 2023
On the scalability of decentralized energy management using profile steering
G Hoogsteen, MET Gerards, JL Hurink
2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2018
Testing grid-based electricity prices and batteries in a field test
VMJJ Reijnders, MET Gerards, JL Hurink, GJM Smit
CIRED 2018 Ljubljana Workshop on Microgrids and Local Energy Communities, 0500, 2018
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