Bin Yu
Bin Yu
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Interactive Wearable Systems for Upper Body Rehabilitation: a Systematic Review
Q Wang, P Markopoulos, B Yu, W Chen, A Timmermans
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14 (1), 20, 2017
Bluetooth low energy (BLE) based mobile electrocardiogram monitoring system
B Yu, L Xu, Y Li
2012 International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), 763-767, 2012
Biofeedback for Everyday Stress Management: A Systematic Review
B Yu, M Funk, J Hu, Q Wang, L Feijs
Frontiers in ICT 5 (23), 2018
DeLight: biofeedback through ambient light for stress intervention and relaxation assistance
B Yu, J Hu, M Funk, L Feijs
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-19, 2018
UnWind: a Musical Biofeedback for Relaxation Assistance
B Yu, M Funk, J Hu, L Feijs
Behaviour & Information Technology 37 (8), 800-814, 2018
Evaluation of Normal Swallowing Functions by Using Dynamic High-density Surface Electromyography
M Zhu, B Yu, W Yang, Y Jiang, L Lu, Z Huang, S Chen, G Li
BioMedical Engineering OnLine 16 (1), 133, 2017
StressTree: A Metaphorical Visualization for Biofeedback-assisted Stress Management
B Yu, F Mathias, J Hu, L Feijs
the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 333-337, 2017
Exploring cooperative fitness tracking to encourage physical activity among office workers
X Ren, B Yu, Y Lu, A Brombacher
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-20, 2018
LivingSurface: Biofeedback through shape-changing display
B Yu, N Bongers, A Asseldonk, Van, J Hu, M Funk, L Feijs
the TEI'16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and …, 2016
BioFidget: Biofeedback for respiration training using an augmented fidget spinner
RH Liang, B Yu, M Xue, J Hu, LMG Feijs
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
LightSit: An unobtrusive health-promoting system for relaxation and fitness microbreaks at work
X Ren, B Yu, Y Lu, B Zhang, J Hu, A Brombacher
Sensors 19 (9), 2162, 2019
AffectiveWall: designing collective stress-related physiological data visualization for reflection
M Xue, RH Liang, B Yu, M Funk, J Hu, L Feijs
IEEE Access 7, 131289-131303, 2019
Breathe with touch: a tactile interface for breathing assistance system
B Yu, L Feijs, M Funk, J Hu
Human-Computer Interaction, 45-52, 2015
RESonance: Lightweight, room-scale audio-visual biofeedback for immersive relaxation training
B Yu, J Hu, M Funk, RH Liang, M Xue, L Feijs
IEEE Access 6, 38336-38347, 2018
HealthSit: Designing posture-based interaction to promote exercise during fitness breaks
X Ren, B Yu, Y Lu, Y Chen, P Pu
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (10), 870-885, 2019
Designing auditory display of heart rate variability in biofeedback context
B Yu, L Feijs, M Funk, J Hu
the 21th International Conference on Auditory Displays (ICAD 2015), 2015
ViBreathe: Heart Rate Variability Enhanced Respiration Training for Workaday Stress Management via an Eyes-free Tangible Interface
B Yu, P An, S Hendriks, N Zhang, L Feijs, M Li, J Hu
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-20, 2021
Automatic detection of atrial fibrillation from ballistocardiogram (BCG) using wavelet features and machine learning
B Yu, B Zhang, L Xu, P Fang, J Hu
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
Design and evaluation of an ambient lighting interface of HRV biofeedback system in home setting
B Yu, J Hu, L Feijs
International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, 88-91, 2014
An unobtrusive stress recognition system for the smart office
B Yu, B Zhang, P An, L Xu, M Xue, J Hu
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
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