Roba Binyahib
Cited by
Cited by
A scalable hybrid scheme for ray-casting of unstructured volume data
R Binyahib, T Peterka, M Larsen, KL Ma, H Childs
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (7), 2349-2361, 2018
A market survey of offshore underwater robotic inspection technologies for the oil and gas industry
FD Ledezma, A Amer, F Abdellatif, A Outa, H Trigui, S Patel, R Binyahib
SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
A Lifeline-Based Approach for Work Requesting and Parallel Particle Advection
R Binyahib, D Pugmire, B Norris, H Childs
IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2019
External Facelist Calculation with Data-Parallel Primitives.
B Lessley, R Binyahib, R Maynard, H Childs
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 11-20, 2016
Parallel particle advection bake-off for scientific visualization workloads
R Binyahib, D Pugmire, A Yenpure, H Childs
2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 381-391, 2020
Visualizations of direct fuel injection effects in a supersonic cavity flameholder
H Sitaraman, N Brunhart-Lupo, MH de Frahan, S Yellapantula, B Perry, ...
Physical Review Fluids 6 (11), 110504, 2021
HyLiPoD: Parallel Particle Advection Via a Hybrid of Lifeline Scheduling and Parallelization-Over-Data.
R Binyahib, D Pugmire, H Childs, M Larsen, F Sadlo
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 1-5, 2021
In situ particle advection via parallelizing over particles
R Binyahib, D Pugmire, H Childs
Proceedings of the Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme …, 2019
Scientific visualization on supercomputers: A survey
R Binyahib
State‐of‐the‐Art Report on Optimizing Particle Advection Performance
A Yenpure, S Sane, R Binyahib, D Pugmire, C Garth, H Childs
Computer Graphics Forum 42 (3), 517-537, 2023
Image-based Exploration of Iso-surfaces for Large Multi-Variable Datasets using Parameter Space.
RS Binyahib
The ECP ALPINE project: In situ and post hoc visualization infrastructure and analysis capabilities for exascale
J Ahrens, M Arienti, U Ayachit, J Bennett, R Binyahib, A Biswas, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications …, 2024
A Guide to Particle Advection Performance
A Yenpure, S Sane, R Binyahib, D Pugmire, C Garth, H Childs
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.08440, 2022
Evaluating Parallel Particle Advection Algorithms Over Various Workloads
R Binyahib
University of Oregon, 2020
ISAV22 Workshop Organization
D Pugmire, A Huebl, N Ferrier, C Garth, K Moreland, B Raffin, G Reina, ...
ISAV 2016 Committees
EW Bethel, N Ferrier, GH Weber, U Ayachit, S Klasky, B Loring, ...
Scalable Ray-Casted Volume Rendering
R Binyahib
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Articles 1–17