Quanlong Guan
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Cited by
Students’ experience of online learning during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A province‐wide survey study
L Yan, A Whitelock‐Wainwright, Q Guan, G Wen, D Gašević, G Chen
British journal of educational technology 52 (5), 2038-2057, 2021
Research and design of internet public opinion analysis system
Q Guan, S Ye, G Yao, H Zhang, L Wei, G Song, K He
2009 IITA International Conference on Services Science, Management and …, 2009
Semantics-based repackaging detection for mobile apps
Q Guan, H Huang, W Luo, S Zhu
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: 8th International Symposium, ESSoS …, 2016
Molecular substructure graph attention network for molecular property identification in drug discovery
X Ye, Q Guan, W Luo, L Fang, ZR Lai, J Wang
Pattern Recognition 128, 108659, 2022
Reliability analysis of smart home sensor systems subject to competing failures
C Wang, Q Liu, L Xing, Q Guan, C Yang, M Yu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 221, 108327, 2022
Extensive evaluation on the performance and behaviour of TCP congestion control protocols under varied network scenarios
J Lin, L Cui, Y Zhang, FP Tso, Q Guan
Computer Networks 163, 106872, 2019
A fast and accurate reliability approximation method for heterogeneous cold standby sparing systems
C Wang, X Wang, L Xing, Q Guan, C Yang, M Yu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 212, 107596, 2021
Knowledge tracing model with learning and forgetting behavior
M Chen, Q Guan, Y He, Z He, L Fang, W Luo
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
Is the latest the greatest? A comparative study of automatic approaches for classifying educational forum posts
L Sha, M Raković, J Lin, Q Guan, A Whitelock-Wainwright, D Gašević, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 16 (3), 339-352, 2022
Privacy preserving computations over healthcare data
Q Wang, D Zhou, S Yang, P Li, C Wang, Q Guan
2019 international conference on internet of things (iThings) and IEEE green …, 2019
A large-scale study of android malware development phenomenon on public malware submission and scanning platform
H Huang, C Zheng, J Zeng, W Zhou, S Zhu, P Liu, I Molloy, S Chari, ...
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 7 (2), 255-270, 2018
Sweetdroid: Toward a context-sensitive privacy policy enforcement framework for android os
X Chen, H Huang, S Zhu, Q Li, Q Guan
Proceedings of the 2017 on Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society, 75-86, 2017
Test Model for Security Vulnerability in Web Controls based on Fuzzing.
G Yao, Q Guan, K Ni
J. Softw. 7 (4), 773-778, 2012
Phase reduction for efficient reliability analysis of dynamic k-out-of-n phased mission systems
C Wang, L Xing, J Yu, Q Guan, C Yang, M Yu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 237, 109349, 2023
LDGC-SR: Integrating long-range dependencies and global context information for session-based recommendation
N Qiu, BY Gao, H Tu, F Huang, Q Guan, W Luo
Knowledge-Based Systems 248, 108894, 2022
Research and implementation of next generation network intrusion detection system based on protocol analysis
GX Yao, QL Guan, L Lin, SQ Huang, G Zhu, H Zhang, Z Gao
2008 ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control …, 2008
Reliability analysis of dynamic voting phased-mission systems
C Wang, L Xing, Y Su, Q Guan, B Tang, Y Hu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 232, 109085, 2023
Cognitive diagnosis focusing on knowledge concepts
S Li, Q Guan, L Fang, F Xiao, Z He, Y He, W Luo
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
Multitrend conditional value at risk for portfolio optimization
ZR Lai, C Li, X Wu, Q Guan, L Fang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 35 (2), 1545-1558, 2022
Building a neural network model to analyze teachers’ satisfaction with online teaching during the COVID-19 ravages
G Wen, Q Guan, X Wu, W Luo
Journal of Computer and Communications 10 (1), 91-114, 2022
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Articles 1–20