JWM Bergmans
JWM Bergmans
Full professor in signal processing systems, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Digital baseband transmission and recording
JWM Bergmans
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
An adaptive Kalman filter for ECG signal enhancement
R Vullings, B De Vries, JWM Bergmans
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 58 (4), 1094-1103, 2010
An improved adaptive power line interference canceller for electrocardiography
SMM Martens, M Mischi, SG Oei, JWM Bergmans
IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53 (11), 2220-2231, 2006
Estimation of internal uterine pressure by joint amplitude and frequency analysis of electrohysterographic signals
C Rabotti, M Mischi, JOEH van Laar, GS Oei, JWM Bergmans
Physiological Measurement 29 (7), 829, 2008
Complexity and performance comparison of filter bank multicarrier and OFDM in uplink of multicarrier multiple access networks
H Saeedi-Sourck, Y Wu, JWM Bergmans, S Sadri, B Farhang-Boroujeny
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (4), 1907-1912, 2011
An illumination perspective on visible light communications
A Tsiatmas, CPMJ Baggen, FMJ Willems, JPMG Linnartz, JWM Bergmans
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (7), 64-71, 2014
Noninvasive estimation of the electrohysterographic action-potential conduction velocity
C Rabotti, M Mischi, SG Oei, JWM Bergmans
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 57 (9), 2178-2187, 2010
Dynamic segmentation and linear prediction for maternal ECG removal in antenatal abdominal recordings
R Vullings, CHL Peters, RJ Sluijter, M Mischi, SG Oei, JWM Bergmans
Physiological measurement 30 (3), 291, 2009
Influence of electrode placement on signal quality for ambulatory pregnancy monitoring
MJ Rooijakkers, S Song, C Rabotti, SG Oei, JWM Bergmans, E Cantatore, ...
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2014 (1), 960980, 2014
Uniform illumination rendering using an array of LEDs: a signal processing perspective
H Yang, JWM Bergmans, TCW Schenk, JPMG Linnartz, R Rietman
IEEE transactions on signal processing 57 (3), 1044-1057, 2008
Doppler ultrasound technology for fetal heart rate monitoring: a review
P Hamelmann, R Vullings, AF Kolen, JWM Bergmans, JOEH van Laar, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 67 …, 2019
On the use of decision feedback for simplifying the Viterbi detector.
JWM Bergmans, SA Rajput, A van de Laar
Philips Journal of Research 42 (4), 399-428, 1987
Technical aspects of neurostimulation: focus on equipment, electric field modeling, and stimulation protocols
DCW Klooster, AJA de Louw, AP Aldenkamp, RMH Besseling, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 65, 113-141, 2016
Density improvements in digital magnetic recording by decision feedback equalization
J Bergmans
IEEE transactions on magnetics 22 (3), 157-162, 1986
Multicarrier receiver with channel estimator
JPMG Linnartz, A Gorokhov, JWM Bergmans, AACM Kalker
US Patent 7,206,349, 2007
Fetal autonomic response to severe acidaemia during labour
J Van Laar, CHL Peters, R Vullings, S Houterman, JWM Bergmans, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 117 (4), 429-437, 2010
Cognitive deterioration in adult epilepsy: Does accelerated cognitive ageing exist?
LEM Breuer, P Boon, JWM Bergmans, WH Mess, RMH Besseling, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 64, 1-11, 2016
Arrangement for full-duplex data transmission over two-wire circuits
JWM Bergmans, TACM Claasen, PJVAN Gerwen
US Patent 4,835,765, 1989
An analytical model for the illuminance distribution of a power LED
H Yang, JWM Bergmans, TCW Schenk, JPMG Linnartz, R Rietman
Optics express 16 (26), 21641-21646, 2008
Wearable monitoring of sleep-disordered breathing: estimation of the apnea–hypopnea index using wrist-worn reflective photoplethysmography
GB Papini, P Fonseca, MM van Gilst, JWM Bergmans, R Vullings, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 13512, 2020
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