Zhenxing Zhang
Zhenxing Zhang
School of computing, Dublin City University
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Cited by
Growth and fruit yields of greenhouse tomato under the integrated water and fertilizer by Moistube irrigation
M Zhang, N Xiao, Y Li, Y Li, D Zhang, Z Xu, Z Zhang
Agronomy 12 (7), 1630, 2022
Browsing large personal multimedia archives in a lean-back environment
C Gurrin, H Lee, N Caprani, ZX Zhang, N O’connor, D Carthy
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 16th International Multimedia Modeling …, 2010
Changes of Soil Water and Heat Transport and Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in Greenhouses with Micro-Sprinkler Irrigation under Plastic Film
M Zhang, Y Li, J Liu, J Wang, Z Zhang, N Xiao
Agronomy 12 (3), 664, 2022
Soil Aeration and Plastic Film Mulching Increase the Yield Potential and Quality of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Y Li, Z Zhang, J Wang, M Zhang
Agriculture 12 (2), 269, 2022
Impacts of pollution, sex, and tide on the time allocations to behaviours of Uca arcuata in mangroves
H Xiang, K Li, L Cao, Z Zhang, H Yang
Science of the Total Environment 742, 140609, 2020
Faceted navigation for browsing large video collection
Z Zhang, W Li, C Gurrin, AF Smeaton
MultiMedia Modeling: 22nd International Conference, MMM 2016, Miami, FL, USA …, 2016
The impacts of different anthropogenic disturbances on macroinvertebrate community structure and functional traits of glacier-fed streams in the Tianshan Mountains
Y Liu, Y Tian, Y Gao, D Cui, W Zhang, Z Jiao, F Yao, Z Zhang, H Yang
Water 14 (8), 1298, 2022
Insight Centre for Data Analytics (DCU) at TRECVid 2014: instance search and semantic indexing tasks
K McGuinness, E Mohedano, ZX Zhang, F Hu, R Abatal, C Gurrin, ...
2014 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers and Slides, 2014
Interactive known-item search using semantic textual and colour modalities
Z Zhang, R Albatal, C Gurrin, AF Smeaton
MultiMedia Modeling: 21st International Conference, MMM 2015, Sydney, NSW …, 2015
Audio-visual classification video browser
D Scott, Z Zhang, R Albatal, K McGuinness, E Acar, F Hopfgartner, ...
MultiMedia Modeling: 20th Anniversary International Conference, MMM 2014 …, 2014
Dcu at mmm 2013 video browser showdown
D Scott, J Guo, C Gurrin, F Hopfgartner, K McGuinness, NE O’Connor, ...
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 19th International Conference, MMM 2013 …, 2013
Optimized latent-code selection for explainable conditional text-to-image gans
Z Zhang, L Schomaker
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-9, 2022
Sensors and applications in agricultural and environmental monitoring
Y Li, A Ghosh, Z Zhang, Z Yu, J Wang
Journal of Sensors 2021, 2021
Preparation of aligned polyimide-based carbon nanofibers by electrospinning
Z Zhen-xing, DU Hong-da, LI Jia, G Lin, C Sum-wai, L Bao-hua, K Fei-yu
New Carbon Mater. 30 (4), 289-294, 2015
Trecvid 2013 experiments at dublin city university
Z Zhang, R Albatal, C Gurrin, AF Smeaton
Optical properties of GaN: Tb nanoparticles synthesized by simple ammonification method
P Xiao-Jun, A Xiu-Yun, Z Hai-Jun, Z Zhen-Xing, X Er-Qing
Spatio-temporal variability (up-and down-stream and three seasons) of response patterns of macroinvertebrates to commonly applied low-head concrete weirs under reclaimed water …
C Lin, L Cao, Y Xu, Z Zhang, H Yang, H Xiang, K Li, Y Gao, TM Bernhardt
Journal of Cleaner Production 370, 133544, 2022
Spatial Distribution, Risk Assessment, and Seasonal Variations of 4-nonylphenol in China's Yinma River Basin.
C Sun, R Ma, L Xu, L Chen, M Xu, H Cao, Z Zhang
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 28 (2), 2019
High-performance ethanol sensors based on hematite fluffy microtubes assembled with interconnected ultrafine nanorods
L Cairang, JL Bai, CH Zhao, BY Huang, GZ Sun, ZX Zhang, XJ Pan, ...
Materials Letters 222, 88-91, 2018
Numerical simulation of seasonality in the distribution and fate of pyrene in multimedia aquatic environments with Markov chains
C Sun, L Xu, D Sun, L Chen, J Zou, Z Zhang
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9796, 2017
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Articles 1–20