Ilja van Beest
Ilja van Beest
full professor social psychology, Tilburg University
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When inclusion costs and ostracism pays, ostracism still hurts.
I Van Beest, KD Williams
Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (5), 918, 2006
The ordinal effects of ostracism: A meta-analysis of 120 Cyberball studies
CHJ Hartgerink, I Van Beest, JM Wicherts, KD Williams
PloS one 10 (5), e0127002, 2015
When gains loom larger than losses: Reversed loss aversion for small amounts of money
F Harinck, E Van Dijk, I Van Beest, P Mersmann
Psychological science 18 (12), 1099-1105, 2007
A social functional approach to emotions in bargaining: when communicating anger pays and when it backfires.
E Van Dijk, GA Van Kleef, W Steinel, I Van Beest
Journal of Personality and social Psychology 94 (4), 600, 2008
Shared cognition as a product of, and precursor to, shared identity in negotiations
R Swaab, T Postmes, I Van Beest, R Spears
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (2), 187-199, 2007
Punishing and compensating others at your own expense: The role of empathic concern on reactions to distributive injustice
MC Leliveld, E van Dijk, I van Beest
European Journal of Social Psychology 42 (2), 135-140, 2012
Why anger and disappointment affect other’s bargaining behavior differently: The moderating role of power and the mediating role of reciprocal and complementary emotions
GJ Lelieveld, E Van Dijk, I Van Beest, GA Van Kleef
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (9), 1209-1221, 2012
A theory of social thermoregulation in human primates
H IJzerman, JA Coan, FMA Wagemans, MA Missler, I Beest, S Lindenberg, ...
Frontiers in psychology 6, 464, 2015
Anger in social conflict: Cross-situational comparisons and suggestions for the future
GA Van Kleef, E Van Dijk, W Steinel, F Harinck, I Van Beest
Group Decision and Negotiation 17 (1), 13-30, 2008
Get angry, get out: The interpersonal effects of anger communication in multiparty negotiation
I Van Beest, GA Van Kleef, E Van Dijk
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (4), 993-1002, 2008
Limited capacity to lie: Cognitive load interferes with being dishonest
AE Van’t Veer, M Stel, I van Beest
Judgment and Decision making 9 (3), 199-206, 2014
Stress-induced breathlessness in asthma
S Rietveld, I Van Beest, W Everaerd
Psychological Medicine 29 (6), 1359-1366, 1999
Disappointed in you, angry about your offer: Distinct negative emotions induce concessions via different mechanisms
GJ Lelieveld, E Van Dijk, I Van Beest, W Steinel, GA Van Kleef
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (3), 635-641, 2011
Cyberbomb: Effects of being ostracized from a death game
I Van Beest, KD Williams, E Van Dijk
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 14 (4), 581-596, 2011
The effects of facial attractiveness and trustworthiness in online peer-to-peer markets
B Jaeger, WWA Sleegers, AM Evans, M Stel, I Van Beest
Journal of Economic Psychology 75, 102125, 2019
God: Do I have your attention?
LS Colzato, I van Beest, WPM van den Wildenberg, C Scorolli, S Dorchin, ...
Cognition 117 (1), 87-94, 2010
Seeking solitude after being ostracized: A replication and beyond
D Ren, ED Wesselmann, I van Beest
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 47 (3), 426-440, 2021
The egocentric nature of procedural justice: Social value orientation as moderator of reactions to decision-making procedures
JW Van Prooijen, D De Cremer, I van Beest, T Ståhl, M van Dijke, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (5), 1303-1315, 2008
Do-no-harm in coalition formation: Why losses inhibit exclusion and promote fairness cognitions
I Van Beest, E Van Dijk, CKW De Dreu, HAM Wilke
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41 (6), 609-617, 2005
Effects of facial skin smoothness and blemishes on trait impressions
B Jaeger, FMA Wagemans, AM Evans, I van Beest
Perception 47 (6), 608-625, 2018
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