Celso Alberto Saibel Santos; CAS Santos
Celso Alberto Saibel Santos; CAS Santos
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Cited by
Experience with RT-LOTOS, a temporal extension of the LOTOS formal description technique
JP Courtiat, CAS Santos, C Lohr, B Outtaj
Computer Communications 23 (12), 1104-1123, 2000
Understanding crowdsourcing projects - A systematic review of tendencies, workflow, and quality management
FR Assis Neto, CAS Santos
Information Processing & Management 54 (4), 490-506, 2018
Design methodology and formal validation of hypermedia documents
CAS Santos, LFG Soares, GL de Souza, JP Courtiat
6th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 39-48, 1998
PlaySEM: a platform for rendering MulSeMedia compatible with MPEG-V
EB Saleme, CAS Santos
21st Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 145-148, 2015
Mulsemedia DIY: A survey of devices and a tutorial for building your own mulsemedia environment
EB Saleme, A Covaci, G Mesfin, CAS Santos, G Ghinea
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (3), 1-29, 2019
Smartphone Applications Usability Evaluation: A Hybrid Model and Its Implementation
AH Kronbauer, CAS Santos, V Vieira
4th International Conference, HCSE 2012, Toulouse, France. Human-Centered …, 2012
Uma Metodologia para Implantação de um Sistema de Gestão de Segurança da Informação
AB Martins, CAS Santos
International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management 2 …, 2005
About the semantic verification of SMIL documents
PNM Sampaio, CAS Santos, JP Courtiat
Multimedia and Expo, 2000. ICME 2000. 2000 IEEE International Conference on …, 2000
360 Mulsemedia: A way to improve subjective QoE in 360 videos
A Covaci, R Trestian, EB Saleme, IS Comsa, G Assres, CAS Santos, ...
27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2378-2386, 2019
Do I Smell Coffee? The Tale of a 360° Mulsemedia Experience
IS Comsa, EB Saleme, A Covaci, GM Assres, R Trestian, CAS Santos, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 27 (1), 27-36, 2020
Sdccn: A novel software defined content-centric networking approach
S Charpinel, CAS Santos, AB Vieira, R Villaca, M Martinello
2016 IEEE 30Th international conference on advanced information networking …, 2016
A mulsemedia framework for delivering sensory effects to heterogeneous systems
EB Saleme, CAS Santos, G Ghinea
Multimedia Systems 25, 421-447, 2019
Coping with the Challenges of Delivering Multiple Sensorial Media
EB Saleme, CAS Santos, G Ghinea
IEEE Multimedia 26 (2), 66 - 75, 2019
Um estudo experimental de avaliação da experiência dos usuários de aplicativos móveis a partir da captura automática dos dados contextuais e de interação
AH Kronbauer, CAS Santos, V Vieira
11th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 305-314, 2012
StoryToCode: a new model for specification of convergent interactive digital TV applications
MC Marques Neto, CAS Santos
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 16, 215-227, 2010
A TV digital interativa como ferramenta de apoio à educação infantil
TA Tavares, CA Santos, TR Assis, CB Pinho, GM Carvalho, CS Costa
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 15 (2), 2007
Um modelo de avaliação da usabilidade baseado na captura automática de dados de interação do usuário em ambientes reais
AH Kronbauer, CAS Santos
5th Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and 10th …, 2011
The influence of human factors on 360∘ mulsemedia QoE
EB Saleme, A Covaci, G Assres, IS Comsa, R Trestian, CAS Santos, ...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 146, 102550, 2021
Revisiting the concept of hypermedia document consistency
CAS Santos, PNM Sampaio, JP Courtiat
Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Multimedia (Part 2 …, 1999
Less is (just as good as) more-an investigation of odor intensity and hedonic valence in mulsemedia qoe using heart rate and eye tracking
G Mesfin, EB Saleme, OA Ademoye, E Kani-Zabihi, CAS Santos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 1095-1105, 2020
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Articles 1–20