Noemí DeCastro-García
Noemí DeCastro-García
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Cited by
Effect of the Sampling of a Dataset in the Hyperparameter Optimization Phase over the Efficiency of a Machine Learning Algorithm
N DeCastro-García, ÁLM Castañeda, DE García, MV Carriegos
Complexity 2019, 1-16, 2019
Detection of Cyber-attacks to indoor real time localization systems for autonomous robots
ÁM Guerrero-Higueras, N DeCastro-García, V Matellán
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 99, 75-83, 2018
Empirical analysis of cyber-attacks to an indoor real time localization system for autonomous robots
ÁM Guerrero-Higueras, N DeCastro-García, FJ Rodríguez-Lera, ...
Computers & Security 70, 422-435, 2017
An effectiveness analysis of transfer learning for the concept drift problem in malware detection
DE García, N DeCastro-García, ALM Castañeda
Expert Systems with Applications 212, 118724, 2023
Optimal feature configuration for dynamic malware detection
DE García, N DeCastro-Garcia
Computers & Security 105, 102250, 2021
Predictive models of academic success: a case study with version control systems
ÁM Guerrero-Higueras, N DeCastro-García, V Matellán, MÁ Conde
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on technological …, 2018
Machine learning for automatic assignment of the severity of cybersecurity events
N DeCastro‐García, ÁLM Castañeda, M Fernández‐Rodríguez
Computational and Mathematical Methods, 2019
Expert knowledge and data analysis for detecting advanced persistent threats
JR Moya, N DeCastro-García, RÁ Fernández-Díaz, JL Tamargo
Open Mathematics 15 (1), 1108-1122, 2017
Predicting academic success through students’ interaction with Version Control Systems
ÁM Guerrero-Higueras, N DeCastro-García, FJ Rodriguez-Lera, ...
Open Computer Science 9 (1), 243-251, 2019
On detecting and removing superficial redundancy in vector databases
N DeCastro-García, ÁL Muñoz Castañeda, M Fernández Rodríguez, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 3702808, 2018
Feedback equivalence of convolutional codes over finite rings
N DeCastro-García
Open Mathematics 15 (1), 1495–1508, 2017
A characterization of von Neumann rings in terms of linear systems
N DeCastro-García, MV Carriegos, ÁLM Castañeda
Linear Algebra and its Applications 494, 236-244, 2016
Concatenated linear systems over rings and their application to construction of concatenated families of convolutional codes
N DeCastro-García, MI García-Planas
Linear Algebra and its Applications 542, 624-647, 2018
Partitions of elements in a monoid and its applications to systems theory
MV Carriegos, N DeCastro-García
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 491, 161-170, 2016
Linear representations of convolutional codes over rings
MV Carriegos, N DeCastro-García, ALM Castaneda
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.05043, 2016
Rhoaso: An early stop hyper-parameter optimization algorithm
ÁL Muñoz Castañeda, N DeCastro-García, D Escudero García
Mathematics 9 (18), 2334, 2021
A mathematical analysis about the geo-temporal characterization of the multi-class maliciousness of an IP address
N DeCastro-García, D Escudero García, MV Carriegos
Wireless Networks 30 (6), 5033-5048, 2024
On the state approach representations of convolutional codes over rings of modular integers
ÁL Muñoz Castañeda, N DeCastro-García, MV Carriegos
Mathematics 9 (22), 2962, 2021
Partitions, diophantine equations, and control systems
MV Carriegos, N DeCastro-García, ÁLM Castañeda
Discrete Applied Mathematics 263, 96-104, 2019
Main Challenges in Teaching/Learning of Mathematics for Cyber-security
MV Carriegos, N DeCastro-García, JF García-Sierra
Proceedings of First Conference of International Network for Didactic …, 2016
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Articles 1–20