Maria Virginia Petry
Maria Virginia Petry
Professor e pesquisador do PPG em Biologia, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
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Marine debris and human impacts on sea turtles in southern Brazil
L Bugoni, L Krause, MV Petry
Marine pollution bulletin 42 (12), 1330-1334, 2001
Towards an ecologically-sustainable forestry in the Atlantic Forest
CR Fonseca, G Ganade, R Baldissera, CG Becker, CR Boelter, ...
Biological Conservation 142 (6), 1209-1219, 2009
Projected distributions of Southern Ocean albatrosses, petrels and fisheries as a consequence of climatic change
L Krüger, JA Ramos, JC Xavier, D Gremillet, J González‐Solís, MV Petry, ...
Ecography 41 (1), 195-208, 2018
Diet of sea turtles in southern Brazil
L Bugoni, L Krause, MV Petry
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4 (3), 685-687, 2003
Effects of human activities in the marine environment on seabirds along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
MV Petry, VSS Fonseca
Ornitologia Neotropical 13 (2), 137-142, 2002
West nile virus surveillance, Brazil, 2008–2010
T Ometto, EL Durigon, J De Araujo, R Aprelon, DM de Aguiar, ...
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 107 (11 …, 2013
Yeasts from macroalgae and lichens that inhabit the S outh S hetland I slands, A ntarctica
AWF Duarte, MRZ Passarini, TP Delforno, FM Pellizzari, CVZ Cipro, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 8 (5), 874-885, 2016
Incidence of plastic debris in Sooty Tern nests: A preliminary study on Trindade Island, a remote area of Brazil
E de Souza Petersen, L Krüger, A Dezevieski, MV Petry, RC Montone
Marine pollution bulletin 105 (1), 373-376, 2016
Isolation of three novel Antarctic psychrotolerant feather-degrading bacteria and partial purification of keratinolytic enzyme from Lysobacter sp. A03
JQ Pereira, FC Lopes, MV Petry, LF da Costa Medina, A Brandelli
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 88, 1-7, 2014
Marked phylogeographic structure of Gentoo penguin reveals an ongoing diversification process along the Southern Ocean
JA Vianna, D Noll, GPM Dantas, MV Petry, A Barbosa, D González-Acuña, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 107, 486-498, 2017
Decline of the breeding population of Pygoscelis antarctica and Pygoscelis adeliae on Penguin Island, South Shetland, Antarctica
M Sander, TC Balbão, ES Costa, CR Santos, MV Petry
Polar Biology 30, 651-654, 2007
Shearwater diet during migration along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
MV Petry, VS da Silva Fonseca, L Krüger-Garcia, RC Piuco, ...
Marine Biology 154 (4), 613-621, 2008
Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds
BL Clark, APB Carneiro, EJ Pearmain, MM Rouyer, TA Clay, W Cowger, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3665, 2023
Analysis of stomach contents from the black-browed albatross, Thalassarche melanophris, on the Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil
MV Petry, VSS Fonseca, AL Scherer
Polar Biology 30 (3), 321-325, 2007
Ingestion of marine debris by the White-chinned Petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis): Is it increasing over time off southern Brazil?
MV Petry, VRF Benemann
Marine Pollution Bulletin 117 (1-2), 131-135, 2017
Diet of the Magellanic Penguin on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
AH Jost, VSS Fonseca, MV Petry
Waterbirds 24 (2), 290-293, 2001
Seasonal consistency and individual variation in foraging strategies differ among and within Pygoscelis penguin species in the Antarctic Peninsula region
RW Herman, FCL Valls, T Hart, MV Petry, WZ Trivelpiece, MJ Polito
Marine Biology 164, 1-13, 2017
Diet and ingestion of synthetics by Corys Shearwater Calonectris diomedea off southern Brazil.
MV Petry, L Krüger, VSS Fonseca, RC Brummelhaus, J Piuco
J. für Ornith 150 (3), 601-606, 2009
First record of debris ingestion by the shorebird American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) on the Southern coast of Brazil
LC Rossi, AL Scherer, MV Petry
Marine pollution bulletin 138, 235-240, 2019
Novel avian paramyxovirus (APMV-15) isolated from a migratory bird in South America
LM Thomazelli, J de Araujo, T Fabrizio, D Walker, D Reischak, T Ometto, ...
PloS one 12 (5), e0177214, 2017
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Articles 1–20