Matthias R. Hohmann
Matthias R. Hohmann
Alumnus, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany
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Cited by
Are intrinsic neural timescales related to sensory processing? Evidence from abnormal behavioral states
F Zilio, J Gomez-Pilar, S Cao, J Zhang, D Zang, Z Qi, J Tan, T Hiromi, ...
NeuroImage 226, 117579, 2021
Identification of the default mode network with electroencephalography
T Fomina, M Hohmann, B Schölkopf, M Grosse-Wentrup
2015 37th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2015
Brain-computer interfacing in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Implications of a resting-state EEG analysis
V Jayaram, N Widmann, C Förster, T Fomina, M Hohmann, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
A cognitive brain–computer interface for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
MR Hohmann, T Fomina, V Jayaram, N Widmann, C Förster, J Just, ...
Progress in brain research 228, 221-239, 2016
Case series: slowing alpha rhythm in late-stage ALS patients
MR Hohmann, T Fomina, V Jayaram, T Emde, J Just, M Synofzik, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 129 (2), 406-408, 2018
Workshops of the seventh international brain-computer interface meeting: not getting lost in translation
JE Huggins, C Guger, E Aarnoutse, B Allison, CW Anderson, S Bedrick, ...
Brain-Computer Interfaces 6 (3), 71-101, 2019
Task-induced frequency modulation features for brain-computer interfacing
V Jayaram, M Hohmann, J Just, B Schölkopf, M Grosse-Wentrup
Journal of Neural Engineering 14 (5), 056015, 2017
MYND: Unsupervised evaluation of novel BCI control strategies on consumer hardware
MR Hohmann, L Konieczny, M Hackl, B Wirth, T Zaman, R Enficiaud, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and …, 2020
MynD: A platform for large-scale neuroscientific studies
MR Hohmann, M Hackl, B Wirth, T Zaman, R Enficiaud, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2019
An improved cognitive brain-computer interface for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
M Hohmann, T Fomina, V Jayaram, C Förster, J Just, M Synofzik, ...
6th International Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Meeting, 44-44, 2016
Investigating Music imagery as a Cognitive Paradigm for low-Cost brain-Computer Interfaces.
L Grossberger, MR Hohmann, J Peters, M Grosse-Wentrup
GBCIC, 2017
A large scale brain-computer interface for patients with neurological diseases
MR Hohmann
Tübingen, 2021
Forschung mit allen: Eine Smartphone App zur Teilnahme an neurowissenschaftlicher Grundlagenforschung in ALS
M Hohmann, M Hackl, B Wirth, T Zaman, R Enficiaud, M Grosse-Wentrup, ...
Nervenheilkunde 38 (05), P22, 2019
A Guided Task for Cognitive Brain-Computer Interfaces
J Moser, M Hohmann, B Schoelkopf, M Grosse-Wentrup
Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017, 326-331, 2017
On the perception and processing of social actions
MR Hohmann, S de la Rosa, HH Bülthoff
12th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society, Tübingen …, 2014
Actions in motion: Separate perceptual channels for processing dynamic and static action information
S de la Rosa, MR Hohmann, HH Bülthoff
37th European Conference on Visual Perception, Beograd, Serbia, Perception …, 2014
New Insights on the Influence of Schizotypal Traits on Source Memory and Meta Cognition
MR Hohmann, BG Kuhlmann, E Erdfelder, DR Touron
The Psychonomics Society Annual Meeting, At Toronto, ON 54, 2013
Cognitive deficits in a population with schizotypic risk factors. An objective assessment of metacognition and source memory.
MR Hohmann, E Erdfelder
University of Mannheim, 2013
Influence of schizotypal traits on source memory and meta cognition. An objective approach.
MR Hohmann, BG Kuhlmann, DR Touron
Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen 55, 56, 2013
Enhanced implicit memory for cheaters?
E Erdfelder, R Bell, A Buchner, M Aschmann, MR Hohmann, A Roock
Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen 54, 317, 2012
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Articles 1–20