Stephen J. Weddell
Stephen J. Weddell
Associate Professor Adjunct in the Dept. of Elect. & Comp. Eng., University of Canterbury
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Evolutionary multi-objective fault diagnosis of power transformers
A Peimankar, SJ Weddell, T Jalal, AC Lapthorn
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 36, 62-75, 2017
Atomic Scale Dynamics Drive Brain-like Avalanches in Percolating Nanostructured Networks
M Pike, SK Bose, J Mallinson, S Acharya, S Shirai, E Galli, S Weddell, ...
Nano Letters, 2020
Classification of alcoholic EEG signals using wavelet scattering transform-based features
AB Buriro, B Ahmed, G Baloch, J Ahmed, R Shoorangiz, SJ Weddell, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 139, 104969, 2021
Multi-objective ensemble forecasting with an application to power transformers
A Peimankar, SJ Weddell, T Jalal, AC Lapthorn
Applied Soft Computing 68, 233-248, 2018
Predicting microsleep states using EEG inter-channel relationships
AB Buriro, R Shoorangiz, SJ Weddell, RD Jones
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26 (12 …, 2018
Reservoir computing for prediction of the spatially-variant point spread function
SJ Weddell, RY Webb
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 2 (5), 624-634, 2008
Ensemble classifier selection using multi-objective PSO for fault diagnosis of power transformers
A Peimankar, SJ Weddell, T Jalal, AC Lapthorn
2016 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 3622-3629, 2016
Prediction of microsleeps from EEG: Preliminary results
R Shoorangiz, SJ Weddell, RD Jones
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
Optimized echo state networks with leaky integrator neurons for EEG-based microsleep detection
SSDP Ayyagari, RD Jones, SJ Weddell
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Optical test-benches for multiple source wavefront propagation and spatiotemporal point-spread function emulation
SJ Weddell, AJ Lambert
Applied optics 53 (35), 8205-8215, 2014
Numerical evaluation of pyramid type sensors for extreme adaptive optics for the European Extremely Large Telescope
RM Clare, B Engler, S Weddell, I Shatokhina, A Obereder, M Le Louarn
Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, 2017
Theoretical studies on space debris recycling and energy conversion system in the International Space Station
A Mariappan, VRS Kumar, SJ Weddell, VA Muruganandan, IS Jeung
Engineering Reports 3 (5), e12317, 2021
Flip-flop modulation method used with a pyramid wavefront sensor to correct piston segmentation on ELTs
B Engler, M Le Louarn, C Vérinaud, S Weddell, R Clare
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 8 (2), 021502 …, 2022
Reservoir computing approaches to microsleep detection
SJ Weddell, S Ayyagari, RD Jones
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (4), 046021, 2021
Effects of the telescope spider on extreme adaptive optics systems with pyramid wavefront sensors
B Engler, S Weddell, M Le Louarn, R Clare
Adaptive Optics Systems VI 10703, 1290-1302, 2018
Near earth object image restoration with multi-object adaptive optics
S Weddell, R Clare, A Lambert
Proc. 1st NEO and Debris Detection Conference, 22-24, 2019
Myopic aberrations: Simulation based comparison of curvature and Hartmann Shack wavefront sensors
RM Basavaraju, V Akondi, SJ Weddell, RP Budihal
Optics Communications 312, 23-30, 2014
The restoration of extended astronomical images using the spatially-variant point spread function
SJ Weddell, RY Webb
2008 23rd International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 1-6, 2008
A conceptual method to recycle space debris into fuels and artificial soil in the ISS for numerous applications
A Mariappan, VR Sanal Kumar, V Anand, S Weddell, IS Jeung
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 4157, 2019
Wavefront sensing with prisms for astronomical imaging with adaptive optics
B Engler, S Weddell, R Clare
2017 International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand …, 2017
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