Robertus Nugroho
Robertus Nugroho
Soegijapranata Catholic University, Macquarie University, CSIRO Data61
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Analyzing social media data: A mixed-methods framework combining computational and qualitative text analysis
M Andreotta, R Nugroho, MJ Hurlstone, F Boschetti, S Farrell, I Walker, ...
Behavior research methods 51, 1766-1781, 2019
A survey of recent methods on deriving topics from Twitter: algorithm to evaluation
R Nugroho, C Paris, S Nepal, J Yang, W Zhao
Knowledge and information systems 62 (7), 2485-2519, 2020
Critical thinking and creativity of MSMEs in improving business performance during the covid-19 pandemic
S Mujanah, I Ardiana, R Nugroho, C Candraningrat, A Fianto, D Arif
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 10 (1), 19-28, 2022
Using time-sensitive interactions to improve topic derivation in twitter
R Nugroho, W Zhao, J Yang, C Paris, S Nepal
World Wide Web 20, 61-87, 2017
Deriving topics in twitter by exploiting tweet interactions
R Nugroho, J Yang, Y Zhong, C Paris, S Nepal
2015 IEEE international congress on big data, 87-94, 2015
Incorporating tweet relationships into topic derivation
R Nugroho, D Molla-Aliod, J Yang, Y Zhong, C Paris, S Nepal
Computational Linguistics: 14th International Conference of the Pacific …, 2016
Ini Alasan WHO Memberi Nama Resmi Covid-19 untuk Virus Corona
RS Nugroho
Dipetik Juni 26, 2020, 2020
Time-sensitive topic derivation in twitter
R Nugroho, W Zhao, J Yang, C Paris, S Nepal, Y Mei
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2015: 16th International Conference …, 2015
Incorporating tie strength in robust social recommendation
Y Zhong, J Yang, R Nugroho
2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 63-70, 2015
What and with whom? Identifying topics in Twitter through both interactions and text
R Nugroho, J Yang, W Zhao, C Paris, S Nepal
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13 (3), 584-596, 2017
Matrix inter-joint factorization-a new approach for topic derivation in twitter
R Nugroho, Y Zhong, J Yang, C Paris, S Nepal
2015 IEEE international congress on big data, 79-86, 2015
Accounting software for MSMEs: Organizational and personal factors based on TAM theory
AA Chrismastuti, RSA Nugroho, A Adriani, V Purnamasari, ...
South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law 19 (1), 1-7, 2019
Virus Corona: Penyebab, Gejala, Pencegahan, dan Kapan Harus Segerake Dokter
LA Azanella, RS Nugroho
KOMPAS. com https://www. kompas. com/tren/read/2020/03/31/162000665/virus …, 2020
Perilaku Merokok Remaja
RS Nugroho
Repository Universitas Airlangga 1 (2), 2017
Mengenal apa Itu generasi baby boomers, X, Y, Z, millenials, dan alpha. Kompas. Com
JG Rizal, RS Nugroho
Siapa KKB Papua, Tujuan, dan Daftar Kejahatannya
DL Putri, RS Nugroho
Diakses dari Kompas. com: https://www. kompas. com/tren/read/2022/03/08 …, 2022
Sejarah Etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia
RS Nugroho
Kompas. Com, 2022
Jumlah Dan Lokasi Kamera CCTV Tilang Elektronik Di 12 Provinsi Halaman All
RDA Saptoyo, RS Nugroho
kompas. com, 2021
Implementasi Sistem Tata Kelola dan E-Supply Chain untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas Perhutanan Sosial
BLY Nugraheni, AA Chrismastuti, RSA Nugroho, H Prawoto, A Teresia
Warta LPM, 334-345, 2022
Sistem Pertukaran Data antar Basis Data dengan XML
RSA Nugroho
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 2005
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Artikelen 1–20