Guus Rijnders
Guus Rijnders
Professor Nano Electronic Materials
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Magnetic effects at the interface between non-magnetic oxides
A Brinkman, M Huijben, M Van Zalk, J Huijben, U Zeitler, JC Maan, ...
Nature materials 6 (7), 493-496, 2007
Quasi-ideal strontium titanate crystal surfaces through formation of strontium hydroxide
G Koster, BL Kropman, GJHM Rijnders, DHA Blank, H Rogalla
Applied Physics Letters 73 (20), 2920-2922, 1998
Structure, physical properties, and applications of thin films
G Koster, L Klein, W Siemons, G Rijnders, JS Dodge, CB Eom, DHA Blank, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 84 (1), 253-298, 2012
Flexoelectric rotation of polarization in ferroelectric thin films
G Catalan, A Lubk, AHG Vlooswijk, E Snoeck, C Magen, A Janssens, ...
Nature materials 10 (12), 963-967, 2011
Critical thickness and orbital ordering in ultrathin films
M Huijben, LW Martin, YH Chu, MB Holcomb, P Yu, G Rijnders, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (9), 094413, 2008
Misfit strain accommodation in epitaxial perovskites: Lattice rotations and lattice modulations
A Vailionis, H Boschker, W Siemons, EP Houwman, DHA Blank, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (6), 064101, 2011
Electronically coupled complementary interfaces between perovskite band insulators
M Huijben, G Rijnders, DHA Blank, S Bals, SV Aert, J Verbeeck, ...
Nature materials 5 (7), 556-560, 2006
Structure–property relation of SrTiO3/LaAlO3 interfaces
M Huijben, A Brinkman, G Koster, G Rijnders, H Hilgenkamp, DHA Blank
Advanced Materials 21 (17), 1665-1677, 2009
Orbital Reconstruction and the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Interface
M Salluzzo, JC Cezar, NB Brookes, V Bisogni, GM De Luca, C Richter, ...
Physical review letters 102 (16), 166804, 2009
Metallic and Insulating Interfaces of Amorphous SrTiO3-Based Oxide Heterostructures
Y Chen, N Pryds, JE Kleibeuker, G Koster, J Sun, E Stamate, B Shen, ...
Nano letters 11 (9), 3774-3778, 2011
Controlled lateral anisotropy in correlated manganite heterostructures by interface-engineered oxygen octahedral coupling
Z Liao, M Huijben, Z Zhong, N Gauquelin, S Macke, RJ Green, S Van Aert, ...
Nature materials 15 (4), 425-431, 2016
In situ monitoring during pulsed laser deposition of complex oxides using reflection high energy electron diffraction under high oxygen pressure
GJHM Rijnders, G Koster, DHA Blank, H Rogalla
Applied physics letters 70 (14), 1888-1890, 1997
A flexoelectric microelectromechanical system on silicon
UK Bhaskar, N Banerjee, A Abdollahi, Z Wang, DG Schlom, G Rijnders, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (3), 263-266, 2016
Towards oxide electronics: a roadmap
M Coll, J Fontcuberta, M Althammer, M Bibes, H Boschker, A Calleja, ...
Applied surface science 482, 1-93, 2019
Ordering and manipulation of the magnetic moments in large-scale superconducting π-loop arrays
H Hilgenkamp, Ariando, HJH Smilde, DHA Blank, G Rijnders, H Rogalla, ...
Nature 422 (6927), 50-53, 2003
Extreme mobility enhancement of two-dimensional electron gases at oxide interfaces by charge-transfer-induced modulation doping
YZ Chen, F Trier, T Wijnands, RJ Green, N Gauquelin, R Egoavil, ...
Nature materials 14 (8), 801-806, 2015
Enhanced surface diffusion through termination conversion during epitaxial growth
G Rijnders, DHA Blank, J Choi, CB Eom
Applied physics letters 84 (4), 505-507, 2004
ZnIr2O4, a p-type transparent oxide semiconductor in the class of spinel zinc-d6-transition metal oxide
M Dekkers, G Rijnders, DHA Blank
Applied physics letters 90 (2), 2007
Growth mode transition from layer by layer to step flow during the growth of heteroepitaxial SrRuO3 on (001) SrTiO3
J Choi, CB Eom, G Rijnders, H Rogalla, DHA Blank
Applied physics letters 79 (10), 1447-1449, 2001
Imposed layer-by-layer growth by pulsed laser interval deposition
G Koster, GJHM Rijnders, DHA Blank, H Rogalla
Applied physics letters 74 (24), 3729-3731, 1999
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