Babette Bronkhorst
Babette Bronkhorst
Stichting IZZ
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Geciteerd door
Behaving safely under pressure: The effects of job demands, resources, and safety climate on employee physical and psychosocial safety behavior
B Bronkhorst
Journal of safety research 55, 63-72, 2015
Organizational climate and employee mental health outcomes: A systematic review of studies in health care organizations
B Bronkhorst, L Tummers, B Steijn, D Vijverberg
Health care management review 40 (3), 254-271, 2015
Quantitative methods in public administration: Their use and development through time
S Groeneveld, L Tummers, B Bronkhorst, T Ashikali, S Van Thiel
International Public Management Journal 18 (1), 61-86, 2015
Transformational leadership, goal setting, and work motivation: The case of a Dutch municipality
B Bronkhorst, B Steijn, B Vermeeren
Review of public personnel administration 35 (2), 124-145, 2015
Improving safety climate and behavior through a multifaceted intervention: Results from a field experiment
B Bronkhorst, L Tummers, B Steijn
Safety science 103, 293-304, 2018
The impact of leader-member exchange (LMX) on work-family interference and work-family facilitation
L G. Tummers, B AC Bronkhorst
Personnel Review 43 (4), 573-591, 2014
Safety climate, worker health and organizational health performance: Testing a physical, psychosocial and combined pathway
B Bronkhorst, B Vermeeren
International Journal of Workplace Health Management 9 (3), 270-289, 2016
Gezond werken in de zorg
B Bronkhorst, A Ten Arve, M Spoek, D Wieman
Onderzoek naar fysieke en psychosociale arbeidsbelasting onder …, 2014
Healthy and Safe Workplaces in Health Care: examining the role of safety climate
B Bronkhorst
High performing teams in de publieke sector: Een onderzoek naar context, processen en uitkomsten
B Kuipers, S Groeneveld, T Ashikali, B Bronkhorst
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Rotterdam, 2013
How ‘healthy’are healthcare organizations? Exploring employee healthcare utilization rates among Dutch healthcare organizations
B Bronkhorst
Health Services Management Research 30 (3), 156-167, 2017
Why do men and women work in the public sector? Gender dimensions of public sector motivation
S Groeneveld, L Dulk, B Steijn, B Bronkhorst
Proceedings of the EGPA conference, 7-10, 2011
Praktijktoets Aanpak Organisatieklimaat
B Bronkhorst
Organisatieklimaat en geestelijke gezondheid van medewerkers
B Bronkhorst, L Tummers, B Steijn, D Vijverberg
M & O: tijdschrift voor organisatiekunde en sociaal beleid 2 (maart/juni), 63-79, 2014
Resultaatsturing op z'n Rotterdams: een onderzoek naar resultaatafspraken, leiderschap en arbeidsmotivatie bij de gemeente Rotterdam
B Bronkhorst
Erasmus Universiteit, 2012
Resultaatsturing op z’n Rotterdams
B Bronkhorst
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