Aleksandra Krstic
Aleksandra Krstic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science
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Cited by
Hierarchy of influences on transitional journalism–Corrupting relationships between political, economic and media elites
A Milojević, A Krstić
European Journal of Communication 33 (1), 37-56, 2018
Visual metaphor and authoritarianism in Serbian political cartoons
A Krstić, G Aiello, N Vladisavljević
Media, War & Conflict 13 (1), 27–49, 2020
Visualising the politics of appearance in times of democratisation: An analysis of the 2010 Belgrade Pride Parade television coverage
A Krstic, K Perry, G Aiello
European Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (2), 165–183, 2020
Digital switchover in Serbia in a comparative perspective
A Krstić
International Journal of Digital Television 5 (3), 237-253, 2014
Communicating power and resistance in democratic decline: the 2015 smear campaign against Serbia’s ombudsman
N Vladisavljevic, A Krstic, J Pavlovic
Media, communication and the struggle for democratic change: case studies …, 2019
The Future of journalism as a system, profession and culture: the perception of journalism students
A Milojevic, A Krstic, A Ugrinic
Medijska istrazivanja/Media Research 22 (2), 83-105, 2016
Etički i profesionalni aspekti izveštavanja dnevne štampe u Srbiji
A Krstić, A Milojević
U: Rade Veljanovski (ur.), Indikatori profesionalnog/neprofesionalnog …, 2015
Vizuelno uokvirivanje protesta Protiv diktature
A Krstic, A Milojevic, J Kleut
CM: Communication and Media 13 (44), 57-92, 2018
Medijska upotreba augmentovane i virtuelne stvarnosti: problematizacija koncepta „imerzivnog“ novinarstva
A Krstic
CM: Communication and Media 12 (41), 81–104, 2017
Local Television As A Business: Comparative Perspectives Of Commercial Television Stations In Serbia
A Krstic
Teme 40 (1), 229-244, 2016
Izveštavanje o Evropskoj uniji u informativnim programima nacionalnih radio stanica u Srbiji
A Krstić
CM: Communication and Media 10 (34), 5-28, 2015
Digital transformation of journalism and media in Serbia: What has gone wrong?
A Krstić
Journalism, 1-17, 2023
Competitive Authoritarianism and Populism in Serbia Under Vučić in Political Cartoons
N Vladisavljević, A Krstić
Europe-Asia Studies, 2022
Bezlične, otuđene i opasne: vizuelna reprezentacija migrantkinja sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u medijskom prostoru Srbije
A Krstić
Sociološki pregled 56 (1), 210-233., 2022
Mediji, novinarstvo i Evropska unija
A Krstić
Beograd: Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2020
Demokratizacija medija u Srbiji: Etika novinarske profesije posmatrana kroz analizu naslova u dnevnoj štampi
A Milojevic, A Krstic
Urušavanje ili slom demokratije/Decline or eclipse of democracy in Europe’s …, 2016
Evropske institucije i internet: nova faza demokratije?
A Krstić
Žužul, Ivana (ur.), Kultura, identitet, društvo – europski realiteti, 371-383, 2014
Vizuelno uokvirivanje migranata i izbeglica u medijima u Srbiji od 2015. do 2020. godine
A Krstić
Sociologija 64 (1), 70-93, 2022
TV dueli kandidata za predsednika Srbije od 2002. do 2012. godine
A Krstić
Milan Jovanović i Dušan Vučićević (ur.), Koga, kako i zašto smo birali …, 2020
Institucije Evropske unije u elektronskim medijima u Srbiji
A Krstić
Beograd: Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2015
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Articles 1–20