John Hoeks
John Hoeks
Professor of Communication & Cognition, University of Groningen
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Getting real about semantic illusions: rethinking the functional role of the P600 in language comprehension
H Brouwer, H Fitz, J Hoeks
Brain research 1446, 127-143, 2012
Seeing words in context: the interaction of lexical and sentence level information during reading
JCJ Hoeks, LA Stowe, G Doedens
Cognitive brain research 19 (1), 59-73, 2004
A neurocomputational model of the N400 and the P600 in language processing
H Brouwer, MW Crocker, NJ Venhuizen, JCJ Hoeks
Cognitive science 41, 1318-1352, 2017
Semantic ambiguity processing in sentence context: Evidence from event-related fMRI
MZ Zempleni, R Renken, JCJ Hoeks, JM Hoogduin, LA Stowe
Neuroimage 34 (3), 1270-1279, 2007
The development of bilingual memory: Evidence from word translation by trilinguals
AMB De Groot, JCJ Hoeks
Language learning 45 (4), 683-724, 1995
A time and place for language comprehension: mapping the N400 and the P600 to a minimal cortical network
H Brouwer, JCJ Hoeks
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 758, 2013
Referential choice across the lifespan: Why children and elderly adults produce ambiguous pronouns
P Hendriks, C Koster, JCJ Hoeks
Language, cognition and neuroscience 29 (4), 391-407, 2014
Processing coordinated structures in context: The effect of topic-structure on ambiguity resolution
JCJ Hoeks, W Vonk, H Schriefers
Journal of Memory and Language 46 (1), 99-119, 2002
“Hey, that could be me”: The role of similarity in narrative persuasion
J Ooms, J Hoeks, C Jansen
PloS one 14 (4), e0215359, 2019
Age differences in adults’ use of referring expressions
P Hendriks, C Englert, E Wubs, J Hoeks
Journal of logic, language and information 17, 443-466, 2008
Electrophysiological research on conversation and discourse
JCJ Hoeks, H Brouwer
The Oxford handbook of language and social psychology, 365-386, 2014
Development of a communication intervention for older adults with limited health literacy: photo stories to support doctor–patient communication
R Koops van’t Jagt, AF de Winter, SA Reijneveld, JCJ Hoeks, ...
Journal of Health Communication 21 (sup2), 69-82, 2016
Less is not more: Neural responses to missing and superfluous accents in context
DV Dimitrova, LA Stowe, G Redeker, JCJ Hoeks
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (12), 2400-2418, 2012
Processing the noun phrase versus sentence coordination ambiguity: Thematic information does not completely eliminate processing difficulty
JCJ Hoeks, P Hendriks, W Vonk, CM Brown, P Hagoort
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (9), 1581-1599, 2006
Look before you leap: How enjambment affects the processing of poetry
RK van’t Jagt, JCJ Hoeks, GJ Dorleijn, P Hendriks
Scientific Study of Literature 4 (1), 3-24, 2014
Sweet Temptations: How Does Reading a Fotonovela About Diabetes Affect Dutch Adults with Different Levels of Literacy?
R Koops van’t Jagt, JCJ Hoeks, E Duizer, M Baron, GB Molina, JB Unger, ...
Health Communication 33 (3), 284-290, 2018
D-linking or set-restriction? Processing Which-questions in Dutch
J Donkers, JCJ Hoeks, LA Stowe
Language and Cognitive Processes 28 (1-2), 9-28, 2013
The EPPM put to the test: evaluating four basic propositions
J Ooms, C Jansen, J Hoeks
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 4 (2), 241-256, 2015
Comprehensibility of health-related documents for older adults with different levels of health literacy: A systematic review
R Koops van ‘t Jagt, JCJ Hoeks, CJM Jansen, AF de Winter, ...
Journal of Health Communication 21 (2), 159-177, 2016
Modeling the noun phrase versus sentence coordination ambiguity in Dutch: Evidence from surprisal theory
H Brouwer, H Fitz, J Hoeks
Proceedings of the 2010 workshop on cognitive modeling and computational …, 2010
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