Thomas Hafkamp
Cited by
Cited by
A feasibility study on process monitoring and control in vat photopolymerization of ceramics
T Hafkamp, G van Baars, B de Jager, P Etman
Mechatronics 56, 220-241, 2018
A Trade-off Analysis of Recoating Methods for Vat Photopolymerization of Ceramics
TM Hafkamp, G van Baars, AG de Jager, LFP Etman
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference …, 2017
Multiphysical modeling and optimal control of material properties for photopolymerization processes
K Classens, T Hafkamp, S Westbeek, JJC Remmers, S Weiland
Additive Manufacturing 38, 101520, 2021
Real-time feedback controlled conversion in vat photopolymerization of ceramics: A proof of principle
T Hafkamp, G van Baars, B de Jager, P Etman
Additive Manufacturing 30, 100775, 2019
Real-Time Nonlinear Tracking Control of Photopolymerization for Additive Manufacturing
K Classens, T Hafkamp, S Westbeek, JJC Remmers, S Weiland
2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 1365-1370, 2021
Towards closed-loop control in photopolymer-based additive manufacturing
TM Hafkamp
A classification scheme for AM control strategies: the AM V-model
T Hafkamp, G van Baars, B de Jager, P Etman
2018 ASPE and EUSPEN Summer Topical Meeting on Advancing Precision in …, 2018
Quadratic Tracking Control of Photopolymerization for Additive Manufacturing
KHJ Classens, TM Hafkamp, S Westbeek, JJC Remmers, S Weiland
39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2020, 127, 2020
Real-time feedback controlled monomer conversion: a new paradigm for UV curing process control
T Hafkamp, G van Baars, B de Jager, P Etman
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Articles 1–9