Dianna Amasino
Cited by
Cited by
Amount and time exert independent influences on intertemporal choice
DR Amasino, NJ Sullivan, RE Kranton, SA Huettel
Nature human behaviour 3 (4), 383-392, 2019
Social learning in humans and other animals
JF Gariépy, KK Watson, E Du, DL Xie, J Erb, D Amasino, ML Platt
Frontiers in neuroscience 8, 58, 2014
Fair shares and selective attention
DR Amasino, DD Pace, JJ van der Weele
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 16 (4), 259-290, 2024
Self-serving bias in redistribution choices: Accounting for beliefs and norms
DR Amasino, DD Pace, J van der Weele
Journal of Economic Psychology 98, 102654, 2023
Eyes on the account size: Interactions between attention and budget in consumer choice
DR Amasino, J Dolgin, SA Huettel
Journal of Economic Psychology 97, 102632, 2023
How Penicillin Kills Bacteria (and How Bacteria Fight Back)
A Amasino, D Amasino, RI Chin, A Glaubitz, HY Shih, X Zhu
University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2007
Seeking or ignoring ethical certifications in consumer choice
DR Amasino, S Oosterwijk, NJ Sullivan, J van der Weele
Ecological Economics 229, 108467, 2025
Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Contextual Influences on Consumer Choice
D Amasino
Duke University, 2019
Insights into tumor suppressor protein p53 using three‐dimensional modeling and rapid prototyping technology
B Bhattacharyya, D Amasino, A Glaubitz, Y He, S Huang, B Li, J Song, ...
The FASEB Journal 23, LB310-LB310, 2009
A physical model of human β2‐adrenergic receptor produced by rapid prototype technology
B Bhattacharyya, D Amasino, A Glaubitz, S Huang, J Li, HY Shih, J Song, ...
The FASEB Journal 22, 344-344, 2008
Online Appendix for “Fair Shares and Selective Attention”
DR Amasino, DD Pace, JJ van der Weele
Amount and time exert independent influences on intertemporal choice LSE Research Online URL for this paper: http://eprints. lse. ac. uk/102222
DR Amasino, NJ Sullivan, RE Kranton, SA Huettel
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