Kenneth Reid
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Cited by
Student retention modelling: An evaluation of different methods and their impact on prediction results
JJ Lin, PK Imbrie, KJ Reid
Research in Engineering Education Sysmposium, 1-6, 2009
Research-Informed Policy Change: A Retrospective on Engineering Admissions
BM Holloway, T Reed, PK Imbrie, K Reid
Journal of Engineering Education 103 (2), 274-301, 2014
Do design experiences in engineering build a “growth mindset” in students?
KJ Reid, DM Ferguson
2014 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference, 1-5, 2014
A Taxonomy for Introduction to Engineering Courses
K Reid, D Reeping, E Spingola
International Journal of Engineering Education 34 (1), 2-19, 2018
Enhancing the entrepreneurial mindset of freshman engineers
K Reid, DM Ferguson
2011 ASEE annual conference & exposition, 22.622. 1-22.622. 10, 2011
Issues for Universities Working With K-2 Institutions Implementing Prepackaged Pre-Engineering Curricula such as Project Lead the Way
KJ Reid, CR Feldhaus
Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 8 (3), 2007
Heuristic hyperparameter optimization of deep learning models for genomic prediction
J Han, C Gondro, K Reid, JP Steibel
G3 11 (7), jkab032, 2021
A classification scheme for “introduction to engineering” courses: defining first-year courses based on descriptions, outcomes, and assessment
K Reid, D Reeping
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24.24. 1-24.24. 11, 2014
Incorporation of poverty alleviation in third world countries in a first-year engineering capstone course
KJ Reid, JK Estell
International Journal of Engineering Education 27 (6), 1273, 2011
Work in progress—Enhancing the entrepreneurial mindset of freshman engineers
KJ Reid, DM Ferguson
2011 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), F2D-1-F2D-3, 2011
Student perceptions of engineering after a K-12 outreach--a" STEM Academy
D Reeping, K Reid
Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE North Central Section Conference, 1-9, 2014
Development of a first-year engineering course classification scheme
K Reid, TJ Hertenstein, GT Fennell, EM Spingola, D Reeping
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 23.414. 1-23.414. 9, 2013
Noncognitive characteristics of incoming engineering students compared to incoming engineering technology students: A preliminary examination
K Reid, PK Imbrie
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition, 13.933. 1-13.933. 11, 2008
Comparison of four methodologies for modeling student retention in engineering
PK Imbrie, JJJ Lin, K Reid
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, 15.298. 1-15.298. 18, 2010
Implementing rubrics as part of an assessment plan
KJ Reid, EM Cooney
International Journal of Engineering Education 24 (5), 893, 2008
Using hybrid data to model student success in engineering with artificial neural networks
PK Imbrie, JJ Lin, K Reid, A Malyscheff
Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 7-10, 2008
Development of the student attitudinal success instrument: assessment of first year engineering students including differences by gender
KJ Reid
Purdue University, 2009
Development of a classification scheme for “introduction to engineering” courses
KJ Reid, D Reeping, T Hertenstein, G Fennel, E Spingola
2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1564-1570, 2013
Agent-based modeling and simulation of depression and its impact on student success and academic retention
SE Abdelhamid, CJ Kuhlman, MV Marathe, SS Ravi, K Reid
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2016
Work in progress—Modeling academic success of female and minority engineering students using the student attitudinal success instrument and pre-college factors
JJ Lin, PK Imbrie, KJ Reid, J Wang
2011 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), S1H-1-S1H-2, 2011
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Articles 1–20