Remus T. Dame, PhD
Remus T. Dame, PhD
Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Centre for Microbial Cell Biology
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CRISPR immunity relies on the consecutive binding and degradation of negatively supercoiled invader DNA by Cascade and Cas3
ER Westra, PBG van Erp, T Künne, SP Wong, RHJ Staals, CLC Seegers, ...
Molecular cell 46 (5), 595-605, 2012
The role of nucleoid‐associated proteins in the organization and compaction of bacterial chromatin
RT Dame
Molecular microbiology 56 (4), 858-870, 2005
Bacterial chromatin organization by H-NS protein unravelled using dual DNA manipulation
RT Dame, MC Noom, GJL Wuite
Nature 444 (7117), 387-390, 2006
Dual architectural roles of HU: formation of flexible hinges and rigid filaments
J van Noort, S Verbrugge, N Goosen, C Dekker, RT Dame
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (18), 6969-6974, 2004
H-NS mediated compaction of DNA visualised by atomic force microscopy
RT Dame, C Wyman, N Goosen
Nucleic acids research 28 (18), 3504-3510, 2000
The architectural role of nucleoid-associated proteins in the organization of bacterial chromatin: a molecular perspective
MS Luijsterburg, MC Noom, GJL Wuite, RT Dame
Journal of structural biology 156 (2), 262-272, 2006
Moltemplate: A tool for coarse-grained modeling of complex biological matter and soft condensed matter physics
AI Jewett, D Stelter, J Lambert, SM Saladi, OM Roscioni, M Ricci, L Autin, ...
Journal of molecular biology 433 (11), 166841, 2021
The major architects of chromatin: architectural proteins in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes
MS Luijsterburg, MF White, R Van Driel, RT Dame
Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 43 (6), 393-418, 2008
Structural basis for H-NS-mediated trapping of RNA polymerase in the open initiation complex at the rrnB P1
RT Dame, C Wyman, R Wurm, R Wagner, N Goosen
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (3), 2146-2150, 2002
Chromosome organization in bacteria: mechanistic insights into genome structure and function
RT Dame, FZM Rashid, DC Grainger
Nature Reviews Genetics 21 (4), 227-242, 2020
DNA bridging: a property shared among H-NS-like proteins
RT Dame, MS Luijsterburg, E Krin, PN Bertin, R Wagner, GJL Wuite
Journal of bacteriology 187 (5), 1845-1848, 2005
HU: promoting or counteracting DNA compaction?
RT Dame, N Goosen
FEBS letters 529 (2-3), 151-156, 2002
Chromosomal macrodomains and associated proteins: implications for DNA organization and replication in gram negative bacteria
RT Dame, OJ Kalmykowa, DC Grainger
PLoS genetics 7 (6), e1002123, 2011
Structural basis for preferential binding of H-NS to curved DNA
RT Dame, C Wyman, N Goosen
Biochimie 83 (2), 231-234, 2001
dCas9: a versatile tool for epigenome editing
DJW Brocken, M Tark-Dame, RT Dame
Current issues in molecular biology 26 (1), 15-32, 2018
H-NS promotes looped domain formation in the bacterial chromosome
MC Noom, WW Navarre, T Oshima, GJL Wuite, RT Dame
Current Biology 17 (21), R913-R914, 2007
The interplay between nucleoid organization and transcription in archaeal genomes
E Peeters, RPC Driessen, F Werner, RT Dame
Nature Reviews Microbiology 13 (6), 333-341, 2015
Alba shapes the archaeal genome using a delicate balance of bridging and stiffening the DNA
N Laurens, RPC Driessen, I Heller, D Vorselen, MC Noom, FJH Hol, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 1328, 2012
Structure and function of archaeal histones
B Henneman, C Van Emmerik, T Brouwer, RA Van der Valk, N Kirolos, ...
PLOS Genetics 14 (9), e1007582, 2018
Effect of temperature on the intrinsic flexibility of DNA and its interaction with architectural proteins
RPC Driessen, G Sitters, N Laurens, GF Moolenaar, GJL Wuite, N Goosen, ...
Biochemistry 53 (41), 6430-6438, 2014
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