Cheng Lu
Cheng Lu
Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Southern Medical University
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Spatial architecture and arrangement of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes for predicting likelihood of recurrence in early-stage non–small cell lung cancer
G Corredor, X Wang, Y Zhou, C Lu, P Fu, K Syrigos, DL Rimm, M Yang, ...
Clinical cancer research 25 (5), 1526-1534, 2019
Nuclear shape and orientation features from H&E images predict survival in early-stage estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers
C Lu, D Romo-Bucheli, X Wang, A Janowczyk, S Ganesan, H Gilmore, ...
Laboratory investigation 98 (11), 1438-1448, 2018
An oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma quantitative histomorphometric-based image classifier of nuclear morphology can risk stratify patients for disease-specific survival
C Lu, JS Lewis Jr, WD Dupont, WD Plummer Jr, A Janowczyk, ...
Modern Pathology 30 (12), 1655-1665, 2017
Automatic nuclei detection based on generalized laplacian of gaussian filters
H Xu, C Lu, R Berendt, N Jha, M Mandal
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (3), 826-837, 2016
Automated segmentation of the melanocytes in skin histopathological images
C Lu, M Mahmood, N Jha, M Mandal
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 17 (2), 284-296, 2013
Automated analysis and diagnosis of skin melanoma on whole slide histopathological images
C Lu, M Mandal
Pattern Recognition 48 (8), 2738-2750, 2015
Toward automatic mitotic cell detection and segmentation in multispectral histopathological images
C Lu, M Mandal
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 18 (2), 594-605, 2013
An efficient technique for nuclei segmentation based on ellipse descriptor analysis and improved seed detection algorithm
H Xu, C Lu, M Mandal
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 18 (5), 1729-1741, 2014
Automated analysis and classification of melanocytic tumor on skin whole slide images
H Xu, C Lu, R Berendt, N Jha, M Mandal
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 66, 124-134, 2018
CKD-TransBTS: clinical knowledge-driven hybrid transformer with modality-correlated cross-attention for brain tumor segmentation
J Lin, J Lin, C Lu, H Chen, H Lin, B Zhao, Z Shi, B Qiu, X Pan, Z Xu, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 42 (8), 2451-2461, 2023
A robust automatic nuclei segmentation technique for quantitative histopathological image analysis
C Lu, M Mahmood, N Jha, M Mandal
Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology 34, 296-308, 2012
A prognostic model for overall survival of patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: a multicentre, retrospective study.
C Lu, K Bera, X Wang, P Prasanna, J Xu, A Janowczyk, N Beig, M Yang, ...
The Lancet. Digital health 2 (11), e594-e606, 2020
Feature-driven local cell graph (FLocK): new computational pathology-based descriptors for prognosis of lung cancer and HPV status of oropharyngeal cancers
C Lu, C Koyuncu, G Corredor, P Prasanna, P Leo, XX Wang, ...
Medical image analysis 68, 101903, 2021
Spatial interplay patterns of cancer nuclei and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) predict clinical benefit for immune checkpoint inhibitors
X Wang, C Barrera, K Bera, VS Viswanathan, S Azarianpour-Esfahani, ...
Science Advances 8 (22), eabn3966, 2022
MRI-based quantification of intratumoral heterogeneity for predicting treatment response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer
Z Shi, X Huang, Z Cheng, Z Xu, H Lin, C Liu, X Chen, C Liu, C Liang, C Lu, ...
Radiology 308 (1), e222830, 2023
Multi-pass adaptive voting for nuclei detection in histopathological images
C Lu, H Xu, J Xu, H Gilmore, M Mandal, A Madabhushi
Scientific reports 6 (1), 33985, 2016
Collagen fiber orientation disorder from H&E images is prognostic for early stage breast cancer: clinical trial validation
H Li, K Bera, P Toro, PF Fu, Z Zhang, C Lu, M Feldman, S Ganesan, ...
NPJ Breast Cancer 7 (1), 104, 2021
Automated image analysis of nuclear atypia in high‐power field histopathological image
C Lu, M Ji, Z Ma, M Mandal
journal of microscopy 258 (3), 233-240, 2015
Detection of melanocytes in skin histopathological images using radial line scanning
C Lu, M Mahmood, N Jha, M Mandal
Pattern Recognition 46 (2), 509-518, 2013
Integrating pathomics with radiomics and genomics for cancer prognosis: A brief review
C Lu, R Shiradkar, Z Liu
Chinese Journal of Cancer Research 33 (5), 563, 2021
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