Chris Messom
Cited by
Cited by
Artificial intelligence adoption: AI-readiness at firm-level
S Alsheibani, Y Cheung, C Messom
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2018, 37, 2018
Predicting academic performance: a systematic literature review
A Hellas, P Ihantola, A Petersen, VV Ajanovski, M Gutica, T Hynninen, ...
Proceedings companion of the 23rd annual ACM conference on innovation and …, 2018
Factors inhibiting the adoption of artificial intelligence at organizational-level: A preliminary investigation
S Alsheiabni, Y Cheung, C Messom
Americas Conference on Information Systems 2019, 2, 2019
Stream processing for fast and efficient rotated Haar-like features using rotated integral images
CH Messom, AL Barczak
International journal of intelligent systems technologies and applications 7 …, 2009
Can an Electronic Textbooks Be Part of K-12 Education?: Challenges, Technological Solutions and Open Issues.
HJJ Lee, C Messom, KLA Yau
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET 12 (1), 32-44, 2013
Re-thinking the competitive landscape of artificial intelligence
S Alsheibani, C Messom, Y Cheung
Master–slave control of a teleoperated anthropomorphic robotic arm with gripping force sensing
GS Gupta, SC Mukhopadhyay, CH Messom, SN Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 55 (6), 2136-2145, 2006
Towards An Artificial Intelligence Maturity Model: From Science Fiction To Business Facts.
S Alsheibani, Y Cheung, CH Messom
PACIS, 46, 2019
Winning AI Strategy: Six-Steps to Create Value from Artificial Intelligence.
SA Alsheibani, Y Cheung, CH Messom, M Alhosni
AMCIS 11, 2020
Strategy for collaboration in robot soccer
HL Sng, GS Gupta, CH Messom
Proceedings First IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and …, 2002
Size/position identification in real-time image processing using run length encoding
CH Messom, S Demidenko, K Subramaniam, GS Gupta
IMTC/2002. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 2002
Real-time computation of Haar-like features at generic angles for detection algorithms
ALC Barczak, MJ Johnson, CH Messom
Massey University, 2006
Real-time identification and predictive control of fast mobile robots using global vision sensing
GS Gupta, CH Messom, S Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54 (1), 200-214, 2005
M-government continuance intentions: an instrument development and validation
T Alshammari, C Messom, Y Cheung
Information Technology for Development 28 (1), 189-209, 2022
Genetic algorithms for auto-tuning mobile robot motion control
C Messom
Massey University, 2002
Hough transform run length encoding for real-time image processing
CH Messom, GS Gupta, SN Demidenko
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 56 (3), 962-967, 2007
Frown gives game away: affect sensitive systems for elementary mathematics
A Sarrafzadeh, C Fan, F Dadgostar, S Alexander, C Messom
2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Robotics competitions in engineering eduction
MT Chew, S Demidenko, C Messom, GS Gupta
2009 4th International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents, 624-627, 2009
Defect analysis of grit-blasted or spray printed surface using vision sensing technique
G Sengupta, TA Win, C Messom, S Demidenko, SC Mukhopadhyay
Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing NZ, 18-23, 2003
Reimagining the strategic management of artificial intelligence: Five recommendations for business leaders
SA Alsheibani, DC Messom, Y Cheung, M Alhosni
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Articles 1–20