Ferdie Reijnen
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Cited by
Supervisory control synthesis for a waterway lock
FFH Reijnen, MA Goorden, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, JE Rooda
2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1562-1563, 2017
Modeling for supervisor synthesis–a lock-bridge combination case study
FFH Reijnen, MA Goorden, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, JE Rooda
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 30, 499-532, 2020
Application of Dependency Structure Matrices and Multilevel Synthesis to a Production Line
FFH Reijnen, MA Goorden, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, MA Reniers, ...
2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 458-464, 2018
Finite response and confluence of state-based supervisory controllers
F Reijnen, A Hofkamp, A van de Mortel-Fronczak, M Reniers, K Rooda
2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2019
Structured Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Supervisory Controllers
FFH Reijnen, MA Reniers, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, JE Rooda
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (24), 894-901, 2018
Eclipse ESCET™: The eclipse supervisory control engineering toolkit
WJ Fokkink, MA Goorden, D Hendriks, DA van Beek, AT Hofkamp, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2023
The road ahead for supervisor synthesis
MA Goorden, L Moormann, FFH Reijnen, JJ Verbakel, DA Van Beek, ...
Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and Applications: 6th …, 2020
Hardware-in-the-loop set-up for supervisory controllers with an application: the Prinses Marijke complex
F Reijnen, JJ Verbakel, A van de Mortel-Fronczak, K Rooda
2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 19-21 …, 2019
Supervisor Synthesis: Bridging Theory and Practice
W Fokkink, M Goorden, J van de Mortel-Fronczak, F Reijnen, J Rooda
Computer 55 (10), 48-54, 2022
Synthesized fault-tolerant supervisory controllers, with an application to a rotating bridge
F Reijnen, EB Leliveld, J van de Mortel-Fronczak, J van Dinther, J Rooda, ...
Computers in Industry 130, 103473, 2021
Supervisory controller synthesis and implementation for safety PLCs
FFH Reijnen, TR Erens, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, JE Rooda
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 32 (1), 115-141, 2022
Putting supervisor synthesis to work: controller software generation for infrastructural systems
FFH Reijnen
Supervisory control synthesis for safety PLCs
FFH Reijnen, TR Erens, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, JE Rooda
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (4), 151-158, 2020
Design of a supervisor platform for movable bridges
FFH Reijnen, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, MA Reniers, JE Rooda
2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2020
Supervisory control synthesis for a lock-bridge combination
FFH Reijnen, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, JE Rooda
37th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2018, 2018
Data logging and reconstruction of discrete-event system behavior
FFH Reijnen, JM van de Mortel-Fronczak, JE Rooda
2020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2020
Synthesis and implementation of supervisory control for infrastructural systems
F Reijnen, A van de Mortel-Fronczak, K Rooda, J van Dinther
38th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2019, 2019
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Articles 1–17