Bert Schreurs
Bert Schreurs
Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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For fun, love, or money: What drives workaholic, engaged, and burned‐out employees at work?
I Van Beek, Q Hu, WB Schaufeli, TW Taris, BHJ Schreurs
Applied psychology 61 (1), 30-55, 2012
Examining the relationship between employer knowledge dimensions and organizational attractiveness: An application in a military context
F Lievens, G Van Hoye, B Schreurs
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 78 (4), 553-572, 2005
A weekly diary study on the buffering role of social support in the relationship between job insecurity and employee performance
BHJ Schreurs, IJ Hetty van Emmerik, H Günter, F Germeys
Human Resource Management 51 (2), 259-279, 2012
Job insecurity and employee health: The buffering potential of job control and job self-efficacy
B Schreurs, H Van Emmerik, G Notelaers, H De Witte
Work & Stress 24 (1), 56-72, 2010
Does meaning‐making help during organizational change? Development and validation of a new scale
M Van den Heuvel, E Demerouti, BHJ Schreurs, AB Bakker, WB Schaufeli
Career Development International 14 (6), 508-533, 2009
Understanding workaholics' motivations: A self‐determination perspective
A Van den Broeck, B Schreurs, H De Witte, M Vansteenkiste, F Germeys, ...
Applied Psychology 60 (4), 600-621, 2011
How colleagues can support each other's needs and motivation: An intervention on employee work motivation
T Jungert, A Van den Broeck, B Schreurs, U Osterman
Applied Psychology 67 (1), 3-29, 2018
Symbolic attributes and organizational attractiveness: The moderating effects of applicant personality
B Schreurs, C Druart, K Proost, K De Witte
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 17 (1), 35-46, 2009
Explaining the relation between job insecurity and employee outcomes during organizational change: A multiple group comparison
D Schumacher, B Schreurs, H Van Emmerik, H De Witte
Human Resource Management 55 (5), 809-827, 2016
What does it take to break the silence in teams: authentic leadership and/or proactive followership?
H Guenter, B Schreurs, IJH van Emmerik, S Sun
Applied Psychology 66 (1), 49-77, 2017
Job demands-resources and early retirement intention: Differences between blue-and white-collar workers
B Schreurs, H Van Emmerik, N De Cuyper, G Notelaers, H De Witte
Economic and Industrial Democracy 32 (1), 47-68, 2011
Work values and work engagement within teams: the mediating role of need satisfaction.
B Schreurs, IJ Van Emmerik, A Van den Broeck, H Guenter
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 18 (4), 267, 2014
The route to employability: Examining resources and the mediating role of motivation
IJ Hetty van Emmerik, B Schreurs, N De Cuyper, IM Jawahar, ...
Career Development International 17 (2), 104-119, 2012
Person-centered methods in vocational research
J Hofmans, B Wille, B Schreurs
Journal of Vocational Behavior 118, 103398, 2020
Supervisor incivility and how it affects subordinates’ performance: a matter of trust
IM Jawahar, B Schreurs
Personnel Review 47 (3), 709-726, 2018
Ingratiation and self‐promotion in the selection interview: The effects of using single tactics or a combination of tactics on interviewer judgments
K Proost, B Schreurs, K De Witte, E Derous
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 40 (9), 2155-2169, 2010
Linking job insecurity to well-being and organizational attitudes in Belgian workers: The role of security expectations and fairness
C Bernhard-Oettel, N De Cuyper, B Schreurs, H De Witte
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (9), 1866-1886, 2011
Predicting applicants' job pursuit behavior from their selection expectations: The mediating role of the theory of planned behavior
B Schreurs, E Derous, EAJ Van Hooft, K Proost, K De Witte
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2009
When task conflict becomes personal: The impact of perceived team performance
H Guenter, H van Emmerik, B Schreurs, T Kuypers, A van Iterson, ...
Small group research 47 (5), 569-604, 2016
Pay‐level satisfaction and employee outcomes: The moderating effect of employee‐involvement climate
B Schreurs, H Guenter, D Schumacher, IJH Van Emmerik, G Notelaers
Human resource management 52 (3), 399-421, 2013
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Articles 1–20