William E. Snyder
William E. Snyder
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Organic agriculture promotes evenness and natural pest control
DW Crowder, TD Northfield, MR Strand, WE Snyder
Nature 466 (7302), 109-112, 2010
Niche partitioning increases resource exploitation by diverse communities
DL Finke, WE Snyder
Science 321 (5895), 1488-1490, 2008
Interactions between specialist and generalist natural enemies: parasitoids, predators, and pea aphid biocontrol
WE Snyder, AR Ives
Ecology 84 (1), 91-107, 2003
A synthesis of subdisciplines: predator–prey interactions, and biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
AR Ives, BJ Cardinale, WE Snyder
Ecology letters 8 (1), 102-116, 2005
Generalist predators disrupt biological control by a specialist parasitoid
WE Snyder, AR Ives
Ecology 82 (3), 705-716, 2001
Are the conservation of natural enemy biodiversity and biological control compatible goals?
CS Straub, DL Finke, WE Snyder
Biological control 45 (2), 225-237, 2008
Ecological effects of invasive arthropod generalist predators
WE Snyder, EW Evans
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 37 (1), 95-122, 2006
A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes
EM Lichtenberg, CM Kennedy, C Kremen, P Batary, F Berendse, ...
Global change biology 23 (11), 4946-4957, 2017
Predator biodiversity strengthens herbivore suppression
WE Snyder, GB Snyder, DL Finke, CS Straub
Ecology letters 9 (7), 789-796, 2006
Species identity dominates the relationship between predator biodiversity and herbivore suppression
CS Straub, WE Snyder
Ecology 87 (2), 277-282, 2006
Give predators a complement: Conserving natural enemy biodiversity to improve biocontrol
WE Snyder
Biological control 135, 73-82, 2019
Contrasting trophic cascades generated by a community of generalist predators
WE Snyder, DH Wise
Ecology 82 (6), 1571-1583, 2001
Predator interference and the establishment of generalist predator populations for biocontrol
WE Snyder, DH Wise
Biological Control 15 (3), 283-292, 1999
Alternative prey disrupt biocontrol by a guild of generalist predators
AM Koss, WE Snyder
Biological Control 32 (2), 243-251, 2005
Intraguild predation and successful invasion by introduced ladybird beetles
WE Snyder, GM Clevenger, SD Eigenbrode
Oecologia 140, 559-565, 2004
No net insect abundance and diversity declines across US Long Term Ecological Research sites
MS Crossley, AR Meier, EM Baldwin, LL Berry, LC Crenshaw, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (10), 1368-1376, 2020
Biodiversity and insect pests: key issues for sustainable management
GM Gurr, SD Wratten, WE Snyder
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Polyphagy complicates conservation biological control that targets generalist predators.
RP Prasad, WE Snyder
Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (2), 2006
The Red Queen in a potato field: integrated pest management versus chemical dependency in Colorado potato beetle control
A Alyokhin, D Mota‐Sanchez, M Baker, WE Snyder, S Menasha, ...
Pest management science 71 (3), 343-356, 2015
Nutritional benefits of cannibalism for the lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) when prey quality is poor
WE Snyder, SB Joseph, RF Preziosi, AJ Moore
Environmental Entomology 29 (6), 1173-1179, 2000
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