Niels Hartog
Niels Hartog
Principal Scientist Geohydrology | KWR Water Research Institute
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Inventory of managed aquifer recharge sites in Europe: historical development, current situation and perspectives
C Sprenger, N Hartog, M Hernández, E Vilanova, G Grützmacher, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 25 (6), 1909, 2017
Analysis of the impact of storage conditions on the thermal recovery efficiency of low-temperature ATES systems
M Bloemendal, N Hartog
Geothermics 71, 306-319, 2018
Synergistic effects of bioremediation and electrokinetics in the remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil
S Guo, R Fan, T Li, N Hartog, F Li, X Yang
Chemosphere 109, 226-233, 2014
Characterization of a heterogeneous DNAPL source zone in the Borden aquifer using partitioning and interfacial tracers: residual morphologies and background sorption
N Hartog, J Cho, BL Parker, MD Annable
Journal of contaminant hydrology 115 (1-4), 79-89, 2010
Distribution and Reactivity of O2-Reducing Components in Sediments from a Layered Aquifer
N Hartog, J Griffioen, CH van der Weijden
Environmental Science & Technology 36 (11), 2338-2344, 2002
The impact of low-temperature seasonal aquifer thermal energy storage (SATES) systems on chlorinated solvent contaminated groundwater: modeling of spreading and degradation
KG Zuurbier, N Hartog, J Valstar, VEA Post, BM van Breukelen
Journal of contaminant hydrology 147, 1-13, 2013
Reactivity of organic matter in aquifer sediments: geological and geochemical controls
N Hartog, PF Van Bergen, JW De Leeuw, J Griffioen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (6), 1281-1292, 2004
Occurrence and fate of methane leakage from cut and buried abandoned gas wells in the Netherlands
G Schout, J Griffioen, SM Hassanizadeh, GC de Lichtbuer, N Hartog
Science of the Total Environment 659, 773-782, 2019
Analytical pyrolysis as a tool for the characterization of natural organic matter—A comparison of different approaches
Z Parsi, N Hartog, T Górecki, J Poerschmann
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 79 (1-2), 9-15, 2007
Impact of an historic underground gas well blowout on the current methane chemistry in a shallow groundwater system
G Schout, N Hartog, SM Hassanizadeh, J Griffioen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (2), 296-301, 2018
Electrokinetics-enhanced biodegradation of heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil around iron and steel industries
F Li, S Guo, N Hartog
Electrochimica Acta 85, 228-234, 2012
Geochemical reconstruction of the provenance, weathering and deposition of detrital-dominated sediments in the Perth Basin: The Cretaceous Leederville Formation, south-west …
C Descourvieres, G Douglas, L Leyland, N Hartog, H Prommer
Sedimentary Geology 236 (1-2), 62-76, 2011
Geochemical controls on sediment reactivity and buffering processes in a heterogeneous aquifer
C Descourvičres, N Hartog, BM Patterson, C Oldham, H Prommer
Applied Geochemistry 25 (2), 261-275, 2010
Cork stoppers as an effective sorbent for water treatment: the removal of mercury at environmentally relevant concentrations and conditions
CB Lopes, JR Oliveira, LS Rocha, DS Tavares, CM Silva, SP Silva, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 2108-2121, 2014
Integrated assessment of variable density–viscosity groundwater flow for a high temperature mono-well aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) system in a geothermal reservoir
RM Zeghici, GHPO Essink, N Hartog, W Sommer
Geothermics 55, 58-68, 2015
The use of salinity contrast for density difference compensation to improve the thermal recovery efficiency in high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems
JH Lopik, N Hartog, WJ Zaadnoordijk
Hydrogeology Journal 5 (24), 1255-1271, 2016
Field assessment of the impacts of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems on chemical and microbial groundwater composition
N Hartog, B Drijver, I Dinkla, M Bonte
Proceedings of the European Geothermal Conference, Pisa, Italy, 3-7, 2013
Water quality considerations on the rise as the use of managed aquifer recharge systems widens
N Hartog, PJ Stuyfzand
Water 9 (10), 808, 2017
Impact of groundwater flow on methane gas migration and retention in unconsolidated aquifers
G Schout, N Hartog, SM Hassanizadeh, R Helmig, J Griffioen
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 230, 103619, 2020
Observations and prediction of recovered quality of desalinated seawater in the strategic ASR project in Liwa, Abu Dhabi
PJ Stuyfzand, E Smidt, KG Zuurbier, N Hartog, MA Dawoud
Water 9 (3), 177, 2017
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