Aaron Benson Wong
Aaron Benson Wong
Assistant Professor, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
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Cited by
Developmental refinement of hair cell synapses tightens the coupling of Ca2+ influx to exocytosis
AB Wong, MA Rutherford, M Gabrielaitis, T Pangršič, F Göttfert, T Frank, ...
The EMBO journal 33 (3), 247-264, 2014
A new probe for super-resolution imaging of membranes elucidates trafficking pathways
NH Revelo, D Kamin, S Truckenbrodt, AB Wong, K Reuter-Jessen, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 205 (4), 591-606, 2014
Rab3-interacting molecules 2α and 2β promote the abundance of voltage-gated CaV1. 3 Ca2+ channels at hair cell active zones
S Jung, T Oshima-Takago, R Chakrabarti, AB Wong, Z Jing, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (24), E3141-E3149, 2015
Concurrent maturation of inner hair cell synaptic Ca2+ influx and auditory nerve spontaneous activity around hearing onset in mice
AB Wong, Z Jing, MA Rutherford, T Frank, N Strenzke, T Moser
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (26), 10661-10666, 2013
Modes and regulation of endocytic membrane retrieval in mouse auditory hair cells
J Neef, SY Jung, AB Wong, K Reuter, T Pangršič, R Chakrabarti, S Kügler, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (3), 705-716, 2014
TRPC3 is a major contributor to functional heterogeneity of cerebellar Purkinje cells
B Wu, FGC Blot, AB Wong, C Osorio, Y Adolfs, RJ Pasterkamp, ...
Elife 8, e45590, 2019
Tonotopic and non-auditory organization of the mouse dorsal inferior colliculus revealed by two-photon imaging
AB Wong, JGG Borst
Elife 8, e49091, 2019
Plug-and-play adaptive optics for commercial laser scanning fluorescence microscopes based on an adaptive lens
P Pozzi, M Quintavalla, AB Wong, JGG Borst, S Bonora, M Verhaegen
Optics Letters 45 (13), 3585-3588, 2020
ATP hydrolysis is critically required for function of CaV1. 3 channels in cochlear inner hair cells via fueling Ca2+ clearance
S Weiler, S Krinner, AB Wong, T Moser, T Pangršič
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (20), 6843-6848, 2014
Genetic barcoding systematically compares genes in del(5q) MDS and reveals a central role for CSNK1A1 in clonal expansion
USA Stalmann, F Ticconi, IAM Snoeren, R Li, HFE Gleitz, GS Cowley, ...
Blood advances 6 (6), 1780-1796, 2022
Neuronal responses in mouse inferior colliculus correlate with behavioral detection of amplitude-modulated sound.
MM van den Berg, E Busscher, JGG Borst, AB Wong
Journal of Neurophysiology 130 (3), 524-546, 2023
Neurometric correlates to sensitive high-frequency sound amplitude modulation detection by mice.
MM van den Berg, E Busscher, JGG Borst, AB Wong
bioRXiv, 2021.11.02.466979, 2021
Sodium salicylate improves detection of amplitude-modulated sound in mice
MM van den Berg, AB Wong, G Houtak, RS Williamson, JGG Borst
iScience 27 (5), 2024
Discrimination training affects stimulus generalization in mice during Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning
FR Fiocchi, NES van Dorp, S Dijkhuizen, M van den Berg, A Wong, ...
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 18, 1446991, 2024
Headplate Installation and Craniotomy for Awake In Vivo Electrophysiological Recordings or Two-Photon Imaging of the Mouse Inferior Colliculus
B Kraakman, S Solovjova, JGG Borst, AB Wong
Bio-protocol 13 (24), 2023
Deconstructing the Clonal Advantage and Clonal Stability of 5q-Candidate Genes in Del (5q) MDS on a Single Cell Level
USA Stalmann, F Ticconi, R Li, AB Wong, G Cowley, DE Root, D Heckl, ...
Blood 134, 559, 2019
Tonotopic and multisensory organization of the mouse dorsal inferior colliculus revealed by two-photon imaging
AB Wong, JGG Borst
bioRxiv, 680603, 2019
Systematic comparison of clonal advantage by genetic barcoding of stem cells with haploinsufficiency for Del (5q) MDS candidate genes
Stalmann, USA, F Ticconi, GS Cowley, D Heckl, AB Wong, ...
TRPC3 is essential for functional heterogeneity of cerebellar Purkinje cells
B Wu, FGC Blot, AB Wong, C Osório, Y Adolfs, RJ Pasterkamp, ...
bioRxiv, 478446, 2018
Confocal Imaging of Calcium Signal and Exocytosis at Individual Hair Cell Synapses
AB Wong
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Articles 1–20