Emil Lundedal Hammar
Emil Lundedal Hammar
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
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Counter-hegemonic commemorative play: Marginalized pasts and the politics of memory in the digital game Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry
EL Hammar
Rethinking History 21 (3), 372-395, 2017
Introduction to the special issue on postcolonial perspectives in game studies
S Mukherjee, E Lundedal Hammar
Open Library of Humanities, 2018
Politics of Production: Videogames 10 years after Games of Empire
EL Hammar, L de Wildt, S Mukherjee, C Pelletier
Games and Culture 16 (3), 287-293, 2021
The Political Economy of Cultural Memory in the Videogames Industry.
EL Hammar
Digital Culture & Society 5 (1), 2019
Playing virtual Jim Crow in Mafia III-prosthetic memory via historical digital games and the limits of mass culture
EL Hammar
Game Studies 20 (1), 2020
Manufacturing consent in video games—The hegemonic memory politics of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
E Lundedal Hammar
Universitetet i Tromsø; Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education …, 2019
Producing & playing hegemonic pasts: historical digital games as memory-making media
EL Hammar
Doctoral dissertation, 2019
The political economy of wargames: The production of history and memory in military video games
EL Hammar, J Woodcock
War games: Memory, militarism and the subject of play, 54-71, 2019
Imperialism and Fascism Intertwined. A Materialist Analysis of the Games Industry and Reactionary Gamers
EL Hammar
gamevironments, 317-357, 2020
The Political Economy of Historical Digital Games
EL Hammar
Media Development 64 (4), 25-28, 2017
Ethical recognition of marginalized groups in digital games culture
E Lundedal Hammar
Playing perpetrators: Interrogating evil in videogames about violent conflicts
H Pötzsch, EL Hammar
The Routledge International Handbook of Perpetrator Studies, 343-356, 2019
Postphenomenological play
E Hammar
The Philosophy of Computer Games 2013: Computer Game Space: Concept, Form …, 2013
Predicting success factors of video game titles and companies
J Pfau, M Debus, J Juul, E Lundedal Hammar, A Canossa, M Seif El-Nasr
International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 269-282, 2022
Seeing (with, through, and as) Monsters: An Introduction to the Special Issue
C Beyer, JC Bockwoldt, EL Hammar, H Pötzsch
Nordlit, 11–24-11–24, 2019
Nationaløkonomiske og-kulturelle udfordringer for nordiske spilindustrier i en platformkapitalistisk verden
EL Hammar
Norsk Medietidsskrift, 1-17, 2021
Time to stop playing: No game studies on a dead planet
EL Hammar, C Jong, J Despland-Lichtert
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 14 (1), 31-54, 2023
International solidarity between game workers in the Global North and Global South: Reflections on the challenges posed by labor aristocracy
EL Hammar
gamevironments, 41-41, 2022
Teaching and learning about audio-visual media: A critical media literacy perspective on the use of games in the contemporary upper-secondary classroom
H Pötzsch, TH Hansen, EL Hammar
Peter Lang Group AG, 2022
What is it like to be a Danish Game Maker? What the Game Industry in Denmark tells us about Game Production
E Hammar, J Juul, A Canossa
Abstract Proceedings of DiGRA 2024 Conference: Playgrounds, 2024
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