The University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
Path Planning with Automatic Seam Extraction over Point Cloud Models for Robotic Arc Welding
P Zhou, VW Rui Peng, Maggie Xu, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021
Contour moments based manipulation of composite rigid-deformable objects with finite time model estimation and shape/position control
J Qi, G Ma, J Zhu, P Zhou, Y Lyu, H Zhang, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 27 (5), 2985-2996, 2021
LaSeSOM: A Latent and Semantic Representation Framework for Soft Object Manipulation
P Zhou, J Zhu, S Huo, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (3), 5381-5388, 2021
Integrating visual foundation models for enhanced robot manipulation and motion planning: A layered approach
C Yang, P Zhou, J Qi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.11244, 2023
Customizing Clothing Retrieval Based on Semantic Attributes and Learned Features
H Liu, P Zhou, Y Tang
Framing a sustainable architecture for data analytics systems: An exploratory study
J Zhao, Y Liu, P Zhou
IEEE Access 6, 61600-61613, 2018
A proof of concept study for criminal network analysis with interactive strategies
P Zhou, Y Liu, M Zhao, X Lou
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 27 …, 2017
Reactive human–robot collaborative manipulation of deformable linear objects using a new topological latent control model
P Zhou, P Zheng, J Qi, C Li, HY Lee, A Duan, L Lu, Z Li, L Hu, ...
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 88, 102727, 2024
Neural reactive path planning with Riemannian motion policies for robotic silicone sealing
P Zhou, P Zheng, J Qi, C Li, A Duan, M Xu, V Wu, D Navarro-Alarcon
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 81, 102518, 2023
Adaptive shape servoing of elastic rods using parameterized regression features and auto-tuning motion controls
J Qi, G Ran, B Wang, J Liu, W Ma, P Zhou, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023
Imitating Tool-Based Garment Folding From a Single Visual Observation Using Hand-Object Graph Dynamics
P Zhou, J Qi, A Duan, S Huo, Z Wu, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024
Towards latent space based manipulation of elastic rods using autoencoder models and robust centerline extractions
J Qi, G Ma, P Zhou, H Zhang, Y Lyu, D Navarro-Alarcon
Advanced Robotics 36 (3), 101-115, 2022
Keypoint-based planar bimanual shaping of deformable linear objects under environmental constraints with hierarchical action framework
S Huo, A Duan, C Li, P Zhou, W Ma, H Wang, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 5222-5229, 2022
Lageo: a latent and geometrical framework for path and manipulation planning
P Zhou
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2022
A bio-inspired mechanism for learning robot motion from mirrored human demonstrations
O Zahra, S Tolu, P Zhou, A Duan, D Navarro-Alarcon
Frontiers in neurorobotics 16, 826410, 2022
Enhancing Deformable Object Manipulation By Using Interactive Perception and Assistive Tools
P Zhou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09659, 2023
Towards a Systematic Approach to Graph Data Modeling: Scenario-based Design and Experiences.
M Zhao, Y Liu, P Zhou
SEKE, 634-637, 2016
Criminal Network Analysis with Interactive Strategies: A Proof of Concept Study using Mobile Call Logs.
P Zhou, Y Liu, M Zhao, X Lou
SEKE, 261-266, 2016
A multisensor interface to improve the learning experience in arc welding training tasks
HY Lee, P Zhou, A Duan, J Wang, V Wu, D Navarro-Alarcon
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 53 (3), 619-628, 2023
Human-Robot Collaboration for Reactive Deformable Linear Object Manipulation Using Topological Latent Control Model
P Zhou, P Zheng, J Qi, C Li, HY Lee, A Duan, L Lu, Z Li, L Hu, ...
Available at SSRN 4432733, 0
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