Silvio Bicciato
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Cited by
Role of YAP/TAZ in mechanotransduction
S Dupont, L Morsut, M Aragona, E Enzo, S Giulitti, M Cordenonsi, ...
Nature 474 (7350), 179-183, 2011
The Hippo transducer TAZ confers cancer stem cell-related traits on breast cancer cells
M Cordenonsi, F Zanconato, L Azzolin, M Forcato, A Rosato, C Frasson, ...
Cell 147 (4), 759-772, 2011
YAP/TAZ incorporation in the β-catenin destruction complex orchestrates the Wnt response
L Azzolin, T Panciera, S Soligo, E Enzo, S Bicciato, S Dupont, S Bresolin, ...
Cell 158 (1), 157-170, 2014
Genome-wide association between YAP/TAZ/TEAD and AP-1 at enhancers drives oncogenic growth
F Zanconato, M Forcato, G Battilana, L Azzolin, E Quaranta, B Bodega, ...
Nature cell biology 17 (9), 1218-1227, 2015
Tumors induce a subset of inflammatory monocytes with immunosuppressive activity on CD8+ T cells
G Gallina, L Dolcetti, P Serafini, C De Santo, I Marigo, MP Colombo, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 116 (10), 2777-2790, 2006
Tumor-induced tolerance and immune suppression depend on the C/EBPβ transcription factor
I Marigo, E Bosio, S Solito, C Mesa, A Fernandez, L Dolcetti, S Ugel, ...
Immunity 32 (6), 790-802, 2010
A mutant-p53/Smad complex opposes p63 to empower TGFβ-induced metastasis
M Adorno, M Cordenonsi, M Montagner, S Dupont, C Wong, B Hann, ...
Cell 137 (1), 87-98, 2009
A MicroRNA targeting dicer for metastasis control
G Martello, A Rosato, F Ferrari, A Manfrin, M Cordenonsi, S Dupont, ...
Cell 141 (7), 1195-1207, 2010
Regeneration of the entire human epidermis using transgenic stem cells
T Hirsch, T Rothoeft, N Teig, JW Bauer, G Pellegrini, L De Rosa, ...
Nature 551 (7680), 327-332, 2017
Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase is a signaling protein in long-term tolerance by dendritic cells
MT Pallotta, C Orabona, C Volpi, C Vacca, ML Belladonna, R Bianchi, ...
Nature immunology 12 (9), 870-878, 2011
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor control of a disease tolerance defence pathway
A Bessede, M Gargaro, MT Pallotta, D Matino, G Servillo, C Brunacci, ...
Nature 511 (7508), 184-190, 2014
IL-7 and IL-15 instruct the generation of human memory stem T cells from naive precursors
N Cieri, B Camisa, F Cocchiarella, M Forcato, G Oliveira, E Provasi, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 121 (4), 573-584, 2013
Role of TAZ as mediator of Wnt signaling
L Azzolin, F Zanconato, S Bresolin, M Forcato, G Basso, S Bicciato, ...
Cell 151 (7), 1443-1456, 2012
Muscle insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism are controlled by the intrinsic muscle clock
KA Dyar, S Ciciliot, LE Wright, RS Biensø, GM Tagliazucchi, VR Patel, ...
Molecular metabolism 3 (1), 29-41, 2014
Aerobic glycolysis tunes YAP/TAZ transcriptional activity
E Enzo, G Santinon, A Pocaterra, M Aragona, S Bresolin, M Forcato, ...
The EMBO journal 34 (10), 1349-1370, 2015
Comparison of computational methods for Hi-C data analysis
M Forcato, C Nicoletti, K Pal, CM Livi, F Ferrari, S Bicciato
Nature methods 14 (7), 679-685, 2017
A relay pathway between arginine and tryptophan metabolism confers immunosuppressive properties on dendritic cells
G Mondanelli, R Bianchi, MT Pallotta, C Orabona, E Albini, A Iacono, ...
Immunity 46 (2), 233-244, 2017
Transcriptional addiction in cancer cells is mediated by YAP/TAZ through BRD4
F Zanconato, G Battilana, M Forcato, L Filippi, L Azzolin, A Manfrin, ...
Nature medicine 24 (10), 1599-1610, 2018
SHARP1 suppresses breast cancer metastasis by promoting degradation of hypoxia-inducible factors
M Montagner, E Enzo, M Forcato, F Zanconato, A Parenti, E Rampazzo, ...
Nature 487 (7407), 380-384, 2012
Identification of microRNA expression patterns and definition of a microRNA/mRNA regulatory network in distinct molecular groups of multiple myeloma
M Lionetti, M Biasiolo, L Agnelli, K Todoerti, L Mosca, S Fabris, G Sales, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 114 (25), e20-e26, 2009
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Articles 1–20