Nick Benschop
Cited by
Cited by
Cognitive Biases in Critical Decisions Facing SME Entrepreneurs: An External Accountants’ Perspective
A Nuijten, N Benschop, A Rijsenbilt, K Wilmink
Administrative Sciences 10 (4), 89, 2020
Construal level theory and escalation of commitment
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten, M Keil, KIM Rohde, JS Lee, HR Commandeur
Theory and Decision 91, 135-151, 2020
Detection of early warning signals for overruns in IS projects: linguistic analysis of business case language
N Benschop, CAR Hilhorst, ALP Nuijten, M Keil
European Journal of Information Systems 29 (2), 190-202, 2020
Undesirable Framing Effects in Information Systems Projects: Analysis of Adjective Usage in IS Project Business Cases
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten, CAR Hilhorst, M Keil
Information & Management 59 (3), 103615, 2022
Biases in Project Escalation: Names, frames & construal levels
N Benschop
Erasmus Research Institute of Management, 2016
The Effect of Project Names on Escalation of Commitment in Information Systems Projects
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten, M Keil, K Wilmink, HR Commandeur
Project Management Journal 54 (4), 349-365, 2023
Biases in Project Escalation
N Benschop
Escalating IT-projects: A text-analysis of risk-framing effects of managers
N Benschop, A Nuijten, G van der Pijl
Would You Step On Board An IT Project Named Titanic?
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten, M Keil, K Wilmink, HR Commandeur
Het gevaar en de kracht van framing
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten
Audit Magazine, 2023
The Role of Procrastination in Agile IT Projects
M Diepstraten, N Benschop, MP López
Operatie Titanic2021, stap jij aan boord? Denk na over wat de naam over het project zegt
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten
AG Connect 21 (10), 24-27, 2021
Taalgebruik in ICT-projecten is indicatie voor problemen: Woordkeuze toont biases in ICT-projecten
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten
AG Connect 21 (4), 10-13, 2021
Bewust van het onbewuste: Psychologische valkuilen voor ondernemers-handvatten voor de MKB-accountant in de rol van sparringpartner/adviseur
ALP Nuijten, K Wilmink, N Benschop, A Rijsenbilt
Dutch Organization of Public Accountants, 2018
Het beeld achter de woorden. Framing en informatielekkage in projectrapportages
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten, GJ van der Pijl
Management & Organisatie 19 (4), 57-75, 2015
Framing & Information Leakage in Project Management: Knowledge internal auditors can gain from the words and phrases managers use when discussing their projects
N Benschop, ALP Nuijten, GJ van der Pijl
The appearance and effects of the planning fallacy bias in agile IT projects
I Haenen, N Benschop, V Dirksen
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Articles 1–17