Marjolein Veenstra
Marjolein Veenstra
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A simultaneous facility location and vehicle routing problem arising in health care logistics in the Netherlands
M Veenstra, KJ Roodbergen, LC Coelho, SX Zhu
European Journal of Operational Research 268 (2), 703-715, 2018
Order picker routing with product returns and interaction delays
AH Schrotenboer, S Wruck, KJ Roodbergen, M Veenstra, AS Dijkstra
International Journal of Production Research 55 (21), 6394-6406, 2017
The pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with handling costs
M Veenstra, KJ Roodbergen, IFA Vis, LC Coelho
European Journal of Operational Research 257 (1), 118-132, 2017
The pickup and delivery problem with time windows and handling operations
M Veenstra, M Cherkesly, G Desaulniers, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 77, 127-140, 2017
Improved collaborative transport planning at Dutch logistics service provider Fritom
P Buijs, JAL Alvarez, M Veenstra, KJ Roodbergen
Interfaces 46 (2), 119-132, 2016
School timetabling problem under disturbances
M Veenstra, IFA Vis
Computers & Industrial Engineering 95, 175-186, 2016
The time-dependent shortest path and vehicle routing problem
R Jaballah, M Veenstra, LC Coelho, J Renaud
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 59 (4), 592-622, 2021
The time-dependent shortest path and vehicle routing problem
M Veenstra, LC Coelho
Faculté des sciences de l’administration, 2017
Formulations and algorithms for rich routing problems
M Veenstra
University of Groningen, SOM research school, 2017
Improved Collaborative Transport Planning at Dutch Logistics Service Provider Fritom Comment
P Buijs, JAL Alvarez, M Veenstra, KJ Roodbergen
INTERFACES 46 (2), 132-132, 2016
Library operations in low-density areas
IFA Vis, KJ Roodbergen, M Veenstra, T Steffens, P Buijs
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