Merijn Verstraaten
Merijn Verstraaten
University of Amsterdam
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Cited by
PGX. D: a fast distributed graph processing engine
S Hong, S Depner, T Manhardt, J Van Der Lugt, M Verstraaten, H Chafi
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2015
Distributed graph processing system that support remote data read with proactive bulk data transfer
S Hong, T Manhardt, J van der Lugt, M Verstraaten, H Chafi
US Patent 10,459,978, 2019
andH. L
SY Hong, S Depner, T Manhardt, JVD Lugt, M Verstraaten
Pan, 2322-2339, 1996
Efficient memory copy operations on the 48-core intel scc processor
MW Van Tol, R Bakker, M Verstraaten, C Grelck, CR Jesshope
3rd Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium 7598, 2011
Method of achieving intra-machine workload balance for task chunks for distributed graph-processing systems
J van der Lugt, M Verstraaten, S Hong, H Chafi
US Patent 9,740,536, 2017
Can portability improve performance? an empirical study of parallel graph analytics
AL Varbanescu, M Verstraaten, C de Laat, A Penders, A Iosup, H Sips
Proceedings of the 6th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2015
Quantifying the performance impact of graph structure on neighbour iteration strategies for pagerank
M Verstraaten, AL Varbanescu, C de Laat
Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2015 International …, 2015
Synthetic graph generation for systematic exploration of graph structural properties
M Verstraaten, AL Varbanescu, C de Laat
Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2016 International …, 2017
On mapping distributed s-net to the 48-core intel SCC processor
M Verstraaten, C Grelck, MW van Tol, R Bakker, CR Jesshope
3rd MARC Symposium, Fraunhofer IOSB, Ettlingen, Germany, 2011
Towards benchmarking IaaS and PaaS clouds for graph analytics
A Iosup, M Capotă, T Hegeman, Y Guo, WL Ngai, AL Varbanescu, ...
Big Data Benchmarking: 5th International Workshop, WBDB 2014, Potsdam …, 2015
Using Graph Properties to Speed-up GPU-based Graph Traversal: A Model-driven Approach
M Verstraaten, AL Varbanescu, C de Laat
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.01159, 2017
Statistical performance analysis of an ant-colony optimisation application in S-Net
K MacKenzie, PKF Hölzenspies, K Hammond, R Kirner, VTN Nguyen, ...
2nd Workshop on Feedback-Directed Compiler Optimization for Multi-Core …, 2013
S+ Net: extending functional coordination with extra-functional semantics
R Poss, M Verstraaten, F Penczek, C Grelck, R Kirner, A Shafarenko
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.2743, 2013
Task migration for S-Net/LPEL
M Verstraaten, S Kok, R Poss, C Grelck
2nd HiPEAC Workshop on Feedback-Directed Compiler Optimization for Multicore …, 2013
Mix-and-Match: A Model-driven Runtime Optimisation Strategy for BFS on GPUs
M Verstraaten, AL Varbanescu, C de Laat
2018 IEEE/ACM 8th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and …, 2018
Method of achieving intra-machine workload balance for distributed graph-processing systems
J van der Lugt, M Verstraaten, S Hong, H Chafi
US Patent 10,019,294, 2018
On Predicting the Impact of Resource Redistributions in Streaming Applications
M Verstraaten, SB Scholz
Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages …, 2014
Towards S+ Net: compositional extra-functional specification for large systems
R Poss, M Verstraaten, A Shafarenko
HPC: Transition Towards Exascale Processing, Advances in Parallel Computing …, 2013
Analysis and prediction of GPU graph algorithm performance
M Verstraaten
Merijn Verstraaten, 2022
Speeding Up GPU Graph Processing Using Structural Graph Properties
M Verstraaten
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Articles 1–20