Hans Schildermans
Hans Schildermans
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Cited by
Experiments in decolonizing the University: towards an Ecology of Study
H Schildermans
Bloomsbury Academic, 2021
Making a university. Introductory notes on an ecology of study practices
H Schildermans
The adventure of study: Thinking with artifices in a Palestinian experimental university
H Schildermans, M Simons, J Masschelein
Ethics and education 14 (2), 184-197, 2019
The university and the common: Rearticulating the third mission from the bottom up
H Schildermans
Learning and Teaching 15 (1), 1-20, 2022
Adding interest to educational practices. Propositions for a post-critical pedagogy
H Schildermans
on education. Journal for research and debate 3 (9), 2020
On problematic situations and problematizations: Study practices and the pragmatics of a world to‐be‐made
H Schildermans
Educational Theory 72 (4), 455-471, 2022
Prácticas de estudio y la creación de un mundo en común. Desvelando las dinámicas educativas de una iniciativa de agricultura urbana
H Schildermans, J Vandenabeele, J Vlieghe
Teoría De La Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria 31, 87-108, 2019
Making a university
H Schildermans
Introductory Notes on an Ecology of Study Practices, 2019
1 Introduction: What Is Studying?
H Schildermans
Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education 3 (3), 1-12, 2021
From ruins to response-ability: Making a university in a Palestinian refugee camp
H Schildermans, M Simons, J Masschelein
Post-critical Perspectives on Higher Education: Reclaiming the Educational …, 2020
Study practices and the creation of a common world: unearthing the educational dynamics of an urban farming initiative
H Schildermans, J Vandenabeele, J Vlieghe
Teoría de la Educación: Revista Interuniversitaria: 31, 2, 2019, 85-106, 2019
On swimming and sweaters. A response to Vlieghe and Zamojski’s towards an ontology of teaching
H Schildermans
Studies in Philosophy and Education 39, 109-112, 2020
Offline Memos for Online Teaching: A Collective Response to The Manifesto for Teaching Online (Bayne et al. 2020)
A Blumsztajn, W Koopal, P Rojahn, H Schildermans, B Thoilliez, J Vlieghe, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 4 (2), 259-270, 2022
Learning after progress? Isabelle Stengers, artificial learning, and the future as problem
H Schildermans
Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (6), 1044-1058, 2023
Symposium Introduction: On Pragmatism's Potential for Making Futures in Troubled Times.
H Schildermans
Educational Theory 72 (4), 2022
Studying in the Superdiverse City: System_D and the Challenge of Solidarity in Brussels
H Schildermans, J Vandenabeele, J Vlieghe, P Zamojski
Studies in Philosophy and Education 39, 257-268, 2020
The university in the Anthropocene: Proposing a pedagogy of study practices that make thought creative of the future
H Schildermans
Philosophy of Education Archive, 243-254, 2020
Biopolitics and boredom in the waiting room. On the power of being bored in the context of preventive family support
H Schildermans, J Vlieghe
Critical Studies in Education 59 (3), 330-347, 2018
Mathesis or askesis: what is at stake in the learning sciences?
H Schildermans, CA Säfström, J Masschelein
School of Culture and Education Forum, Date: 2013/12/13-2013/12/13, Location …, 2013
What’s So New About ‘New’Nationalism in Higher Education?
H Schildermans
National Literacies in Education: Historical Reflections on the Nexus of …, 2023
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