Elsa Ferreira Gomes
Elsa Ferreira Gomes
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Classifying Heart Sounds Using Images of Motifs, Mfcc and Temporal Features
DM Nogueira, CA Ferreira, EF Gomes, AM Jorge
Journal of Medical Systems 43 (168), 2019
Classifying Heart Sounds-Approaches to the PASCAL Challenge.
EF Gomes, PJ Bentley, E Pereira, MT Coimbra, Y Deng
Healthinf 2013, 337-340, 2013
Classifying heart sounds using peak location for segmentation and feature construction
EF Gomes, E Pereira
Workshop Classifying Heart Sounds, 480-92, 2012
Automatic classification of anuran sounds using convolutional neural networks
J Colonna, T Peet, CA Ferreira, AM Jorge, EF Gomes, J Gama
Proceedings of the ninth international c* conference on computer science …, 2016
Classifying heart sounds using multiresolution time series motifs: an exploratory study
EF Gomes, AM Jorge, PJ Azevedo
Proceedings of the International C* Conference on Computer Science and …, 2013
Drop Distribution Determination in a Liquid‐Liquid Dispersion by Image Processing
LMR Brás, EF Gomes, MMM Ribeiro, MML Guimarães
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2009 (1), 746439, 2009
Numerical modelling of a gravity settler in dynamic conditions
EF Gomes, MML Guimarães, LM Ribeiro
Advances in Engineering Software 38 (11-12), 810-817, 2007
Classifying heart sounds using sax motifs, random forests and text mining techniques
EF Gomes, AM Jorge, PJ Azevedo
Proceedings of the 18th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2014
Automatic classification of bird sounds: using MFCC and mel spectrogram features with deep learning
S Carvalho, EF Gomes
Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 10 (01), 39-54, 2023
A Computer Platform to Increase Motivation in Programming Students-PEP.
PC Tavares, PR Henriques, EF Gomes
CSEDU (1), 284-291, 2017
Classifying urban sounds using time series motifs
EF Gomes, F Batista
Advanced Science and Technology Letters 97, 52-57, 2015
Multi-criteria design optimization study of solvent extraction in mixer–settler units
GA Pinto, EF Gomes, FO Durao, CMN Madureira, M Guimaraes, S Morais
Hydrometallurgy 98 (3-4), 224-234, 2009
Técnicas para aumentar o envolvimento dos alunos na aprendizagem da programação
P Tavares, E Gomes, PR Henriques, MJ Pereira
VII Congresso Mundial de Estilos de Aprendizagem, CMEA'2016, 1565-1577, 2016
Using multiresolution time series motifs to classify urban sounds
EF Gomes, F Batista
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications 9 (8 …, 2015
Heart sounds classification using motif based segmentation
SC Oliveira, EF Gomes, AM Jorge
Proceedings of the 18th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2014
Using smartphones to classify urban sounds
EF Gomes, F Batista, AM Jorge
Proceedings of the Ninth International C* Conference on Computer Science …, 2016
Studying Programming Students Motivation using Association Rules
PC Tavares, EF Gomes, PR Henriques
10th Int. Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEdu’2018, INSTICC …, 2018
Computer-supported Techniques to Increase Students Engagement in Programming
P Correia Tavares, P Rangel Henriques, E Ferreira Gomes
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2016
Animation and Automatic Evaluation to Support Programming Teaching
P Tavares, P Henriques, E Gomes
7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education–Doctoral …, 2015
Image processing for the estimation of drop distribution in agitated liquid-liquid dispersion
LMR Brás, EF Gomes, MMM Ribeiro
Nonlinear Science and Complexity, 321-327, 2011
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Articles 1–20