Han de Vries
Han de Vries
Research for Decisions
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A systematic review of health care efficiency measures
PS Hussey, H De Vries, J Romley, MC Wang, SS Chen, PG Shekelle, ...
Health services research 44 (3), 784-805, 2009
Using pooled kappa to summarize interrater agreement across many items
H De Vries, MN Elliott, DE Kanouse, SS Teleki
Field methods 20 (3), 272-282, 2008
The affordability of alcoholic beverages in the European Union
L Rabinovich, PB Brutscher, H de Vries, J Tiessen, J Clift, A Reding
Understanding the link between alcohol affordability, consumption and harms, 2009
Cardiac rehabilitation and survival in a large representative community cohort of Dutch patients
H De Vries, HMC Kemps, MM van Engen-Verheul, RA Kraaijenhagen, ...
European heart journal 36 (24), 1519-1528, 2015
The Effect Of Regulation On Pharmaceutical Revenues: Experience In Nineteen Countries: If the United States implemented price controls and negotiations similar to those in …
N Sood, H De Vries, I Gutierrez, DN Lakdawalla, DP Goldman
Health Affairs 27 (Suppl1), w125-w137, 2008
Cardiac rehabilitation uptake and its determinants in the Netherlands
M van Engen-Verheul, H de Vries, H Kemps, R Kraaijenhagen, ...
European journal of preventive cardiology 20 (2), 349-356, 2013
Are electronic health records ready for genomic medicine?
MT Scheuner, H de Vries, B Kim, RC Meili, SH Olmstead, S Teleki
Genetics in Medicine 11 (7), 510-517, 2009
Equivalence of Mail and Telephone Responses to the CAHPS® Hospital Survey
H De Vries, MN Elliott, KA Hepner, SD Keller, RD Hays
Health services research 40 (6p2), 2120-2139, 2005
US Pharmaceutical Policy In A Global Marketplace: Reducing copays tends to be a robust and welfare-improving policy, while imposing price controls risks high costs in the hope …
DN Lakdawalla, DP Goldman, PC Michaud, N Sood, R Lempert, Z Cong, ...
Health Affairs 27 (Suppl1), w138-w150, 2008
An electronic tool for venous thromboembolism prevention in medical and surgical patients
MM Samama, OE Dahl, P Mismetti, DJ Quinlan, N Rosencher, M Cornelis, ...
haematologica 91 (1), 64-70, 2006
Study on the requirements and options for RFID application in healthcare
AM Vilamovska, E Hatziandreu, HR Schindler, C van Oranje-Nassau, ...
Rand Corporation, 2009
Quick scan of post 9/11 national counter-terrorism policymaking and implementation in selected European countries
E Van de Linde, K O Brien, G Lindstrom, S de Spiegeleire, M Vayrynen, ...
Rfid application in healthcare–scoping and identifying areas for rfid deployment in healthcare delivery
AM Vilamovska, E Hattziandreu, R Schindler, C Van Oranje, H De Vries, ...
RAND Europe, February 26, 2009
International Comparison of ten Medical Regulatory Systems. Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, South Africa and Spain
H de Vries, P Sanderson, B Janta, L Rabinovich, F Archontakis, S Ismail, ...
Anglia Ruskin Research Online (ARRO), 2009
Improving patient safety in the EU: assessing the expected effects of three policy areas for future action
E Hatziandreu, AM Vilamovska, A Conklin, H de Vries
RAND Corporation, 2008
Possibility or utopia
I van Beusekom, S Tönshoff, H de Vries, C Spreng, E Keeler
Consumer choice in health care: A literature review, 2004
Electronic Prescribing in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands
L Van Dijk, H De Vries, D Bell
Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality US Department of …, 2011
Efficiency and its measurement: what practitioners need to know.
JA Romley, PS Hussey, H de Vries, MC Wang, PG Shekelle, EA McGlynn
The American journal of managed care 15 (11), 842-845, 2009
Assessing the impacts of revising the Tobacco Products Directive: Study to support a DG SANCO impact assessment
J Tiessen, P Hunt, C Celia, M Fazekas, H de Vries, L Staetsky, ...
Rand Health Quarterly 1 (1), 2011
The Utility of CAHPS for Health Plans."
DD Quigley, DP Scanlon, DO Farley, H de Vries
Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1-4, 2003
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