Inken Gast
Inken Gast
Assistant Professor, Maastricht University
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Team-based professional development interventions in higher education: A systematic review
I Gast, K Schildkamp, JT van der Veen
Review of educational research 87 (4), 736-767, 2017
Coaching to prepare students for their school-to-work transition: conceptualizing core coaching competences
N van der Baan, I Gast, W Gijselaers, S Beausaert
Education+ Training 64 (3), 398-415, 2022
Supporting the well-being of new university teachers through teacher professional development
I Gast, M Neelen, L Delnoij, M Menten, A Mihai, T Grohnert
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 866000, 2022
Developing employability competences through career coaching in higher education: supporting students’ learning process
N van der Baan, W Nuis, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
Studies in Higher Education, 1-20, 2024
Effective master's thesis supervision – A summative framework for research and practice
T Grohnert, L Gromotka, I Gast, L Delnoij, S Beausaert
Educational Research Review, 2023
Individual work engagement and team work engagement:(new) antecedents and consequences
I Gast
University of Twente, 2012
Team-based professional development: possibilities and challenges of collaborative curriculum design in higher education
I Gast
Collaborative course design in engineering education – A case study of teachers’ design processes
I Gast, JT van der Veen, S McKenney, K Schildkamp
SEFI2020 Engaging Engineering Education, 2020
On the relationship between coaching and employability competences: a multiple perspective study
N van der Baan, W Nuis, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2023
Exploring the relationship between coaching and employability competences: preparing students for workplace learning
N van der Baan, W Nuis, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
TEPE CONFERENCE 2023: 17th annual Teacher Education Policy, 2023
Professional development in the context of a higher education curriculum innovation
I Gast, K Schildkamp, JT van der Veen
16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in …, 2015
Team-based professional development in higher education: a review study
I Gast, JT van der Veen, K Schildkamp
SEFI 2015: 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering …, 2015
Een analyse van de relatie tussen transformatief leiderschap, bevlogenheid, self-efficacy en de effectiviteit van de afdeling
I Gast
University of Twente, 2012
How does career coaching in higher education help graduate employees adjust to the workplace?
N van der Baan, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 2024
Supporting the development of problem identification skills in the PBL classroom
I Gast, AI Ruiz, L Pethö-Schramm
UM Education Days 2022, 2022
Conceptualizations and measures of academics’ wellbeing: A systematic literature review
AI Ruiz, I Gast, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers
Workshop on Sustainable Employability: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective, 2022
Supporting well-being of academic staff through a University Teaching Qualification programme
I Gast, M Neelen
19th Biennial EARLI Conference: Education and Citizenship: Learning and …, 2021
Conceptualizing core coaching competencies for facilitating students’ transition to the workplace
N van der Baan, I Gast, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers
19th Biennial EARLI Conference: Education and Citizenship: Learning and …, 2021
A systematic review of professional development and well-being of academic staff
I Gast, I Knops, T Grohnert, S Beausaert
European Association for Research on Learning and Instructing Special …, 2020
Making Collaborative Course Design for Professional Education Successful: A Qualitative Study on Team Dialogues
I Gast, JT van der Veen, S McKenney, K Schildkamp
AERA Annual Meeting 2020 (Cancelled): The Power and Possibilities for the …, 2020
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