Prof.Dr. Ünver Kaynak
Cited by
Cited by
Performance of transition model for predicting low Re aerofoil flows without/with single and simultaneous blowing and suction
MS Genç, Ü Kaynak, H Yapici
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 30 (2), 218-235, 2011
Flow over an aerofoil without and with a leading-edge slat at a transitional Reynolds number
MS Genç, Ü Kaynak, GD Lock
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2009
A correlation-based algebraic transition model
SC Cakmakcioglu, O Bas, U Kaynak
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2018
An experimental and computational study of low Re number transitional flows over an aerofoil with leading edge slat
M Genc, G Lock, U Kaynak
The 26th Congress of ICAS and 8th AIAA ATIO, 8877, 2008
A revised one-equation transitional model for external aerodynamics
SC Cakmakcioglu, O Bas, R Mura, U Kaynak
AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum, 2706, 2020
Control of laminar separation bubble over a NACA2415 aerofoil at low re transitional flow using blowing/suction
MS Genc, Ü Kaynak
International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and aviation technology 13 …, 2009
Effect of turbulence modeling on dynamic stall of a NACA0012 airfoil
M Dindar, U Kaynak
30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 27, 1992
Advances in the computation of transonic separated flows over finite wings
Ü Kaynak, J Flores
Computers & fluids 17 (2), 313-332, 1989
Control of flow separation and transition point over an aerofoil at low Re number using simultaneous blowing and suction
M Genç, Ü Kaynak
19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics, 3672, 2009
A novel intermittency distribution based transition model for low-re number airfoils
O Bas, SC Cakmakcioglu, U Kaynak
31st AIAA applied aerodynamics conference, 2531, 2013
Design of a flight stabilizer system for a small fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicle using system identification
H Korkmaz, OB Ertin, C Kasnakoğlu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (25), 145-149, 2013
Transonic wing flows using an Euler/Navier-Stokes zonal approach
TL Holst, U Kaynak, KL Gundy, SD Thomas, J Flores, NM Chaderjian
Journal of aircraft 24 (1), 17-24, 1987
Design of a flight stabilizer for fixed-wing aircrafts using Hloop shaping method
S Akyurek, GS Ozden, B Kurkcu, U Kaynak, C Kasnakoglu
2015 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2015
Supersonic boundary-layer transition prediction under the effect of compressibility using a correlation-based model
Ü Kaynak
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2012
Altitude control for small fixed-wing aircraft using H∞ loop-shaping method
S Akyurek, U Kaynak, C Kasnakoglu
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (9), 111-116, 2016
Hardware-in-the-loop test platform design for UAV applications
E Atlas, MI Erdoğan, OB Ertin, A Güçlü, YE Saygi, Ü Kaynak, ...
Applied Mechanics and Materials 789, 681-687, 2015
Design study of a short-range airborne UAV radar for human monitoring
SZ Gürbüz, Ü Kaynak, B Özkan, OC Kocaman, F Kıyıcı, B Tekeli
2014 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 568-572, 2014
Transition modeling for low to high speed boundary layer flows with CFD applications
OB Unver Kaynak, SC Cakmakcioglu, IH Tuncer
Boundary Layer Flows: Theory, Applications and Numerical Methods, 101, 2020
Computational aspects of zonal algorithms for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in three dimensions
TL Holst, SD Thomas, U Kaynak, KL Gundy, J Flores, NM Chaderjian
Output feedback sliding mode control of a fixed-wing UAV under rudder loss
U Gunes, A Sel, C Kasnakoglu, U Kaynak
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 0911, 2019
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Articles 1–20