R A Cramb
Cited by
Cited by
Swidden change in Southeast Asia: understanding causes and consequences
O Mertz, C Padoch, J Fox, RA Cramb, SJ Leisz, NT Lam, TD Vien
Human Ecology 37, 259-264, 2009
Swidden transformations and rural livelihoods in Southeast Asia
RA Cramb, CJP Colfer, W Dressler, P Laungaramsri, QT Le, E Mulyoutami, ...
Human Ecology 37, 323-346, 2009
Policy narratives, landholder engagement, and oil palm expansion on the Malaysian and Indonesian frontiers
JF McCarthy, RA Cramb
Geographical Journal 175 (2), 112-123, 2009
The oil palm complex: Smallholders, agribusiness and the state in Indonesia and Malaysia
R Cramb, JF McCarthy
Nus Press, 2016
Oil palm and rural livelihoods in the A sia–P acific region: An overview
R Cramb, GN Curry
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 53 (3), 223-239, 2012
Economics of smallholder rubber expansion in Northern Laos
V Manivong, RA Cramb
Agroforestry Systems 74, 113-125, 2008
The impact of swidden decline on livelihoods and ecosystem services in Southeast Asia: A review of the evidence from 1990 to 2015
WH Dressler, D Wilson, J Clendenning, R Cramb, R Keenan, S Mahanty, ...
Ambio 46, 291-310, 2017
Land and longhouse: agrarian transformation in the uplands of Sarawak
RA Cramb
Nias Press, 2007
Social capital and soil conservation: evidence from the Philippines
RA Cramb
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 49 (2), 211-226, 2005
Participatory assessment of rural livelihoods in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
RA Cramb, T Purcell, TCS Ho
Agricultural systems 81 (3), 255-272, 2004
Processes influencing the successful adoption of new technologies by smallholders
RA Cramb
Shifting cultivation and sustainable agriculture in East Malaysia: a longitudinal case study
RA Cramb
Agricultural Systems 42 (3), 209-226, 1993
The role of traditional institutions in rural development: community-based land tenure and government land policy in Sarawak, Malaysia
RA Cramb, IR Wills
World Development 18 (3), 347-360, 1990
Recognizing contemporary roles of swidden agriculture in transforming landscapes of Southeast Asia
AD Ziegler, JM Fox, EL Webb, C Padoch, SJ Leisz, RA Cramb, O Mertz, ...
Conservation Biology 25 (4), 846-848, 2011
Rice and remittances: crop intensification versus labour migration in Southern Laos
V Manivong, R Cramb, J Newby
Human ecology 42, 367-379, 2014
Alternatives to land grabbing: exploring conditions for smallholder inclusion in agricultural commodity chains in Southeast Asia
R Cramb, V Manivong, JC Newby, K Sothorn, PS Sibat
De-centring Land Grabbing, 242-270, 2019
The mouse deer and the crocodile: oil palm smallholders and livelihood strategies in Sarawak, Malaysia
RA Cramb, PS Sujang
The Journal of Peasant Studies 40 (1), 129-154, 2013
Re-inventing dualism: policy narratives and modes of oil palm expansion in Sarawak, Malaysia
RA Cramb
The Journal of Development Studies 47 (2), 274-293, 2011
Farming adaptation to environmental change in coastal Bangladesh: shrimp culture versus crop diversification
MJ Kabir, R Cramb, M Alauddin, C Roth
Environment, Development and Sustainability 18, 1195-1216, 2016
Palmed off: incentive problems with joint-venture schemes for oil palm development on customary land
RA Cramb
World Development 43, 84-99, 2013
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Articles 1–20