Geometric phases for mixed states in interferometry
We provide a physical prescription based on interferometry for introducing the total phase of
a mixed state undergoing unitary evolution, which has been an elusive concept in the past. …
a mixed state undergoing unitary evolution, which has been an elusive concept in the past. …
Geometry of the Josephson effect
JS Anandan, AK Pati - Physics Letters A, 1997 - Elsevier
We investigate the geometry of the Josephson tunneling current between two superconductors
separated by an insulator. We obtain the geometric phase and the Fubini-Study metric in …
separated by an insulator. We obtain the geometric phase and the Fubini-Study metric in …
Classical and quantum physical geometry
JS Anandan - Potentiality, Entanglement and Passion-at-a-Distance …, 1997 - Springer
The task of creating a quantum theory of gravity is compared with Einstein's creation of a
relativistic theory of gravity. The philosophical and physical foundations of this theory are briefly …
relativistic theory of gravity. The philosophical and physical foundations of this theory are briefly …
Geometric phases and coherent states
TR Field, JS Anandan - Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2004 - Elsevier
A cyclic evolution of a pure quantum state is characterized by a closed curve γ in the
projective Hilbert space PH , equipped with the Fubini-Study geometry. It is known that the …
projective Hilbert space PH , equipped with the Fubini-Study geometry. It is known that the …
The secret life of the dipole
JS Anandan - Nature, 1997 -
Surprisingly, neutral particles (such as neutrons) with electric dipoles can be accelerated by
uniform electromagnetic fields. The force responsible, a consequence of the so-called …
uniform electromagnetic fields. The force responsible, a consequence of the so-called …
[PDF][PDF] Topological phases and duality in electromagnetic and gravitational fields
JS Anandan - 1994 -
The duality found by Aharonov and Casher for topological phases in the electromagnetic
field is generalized to an arbitrary linear interaction. This provides a heuristic principle for …
field is generalized to an arbitrary linear interaction. This provides a heuristic principle for …
On the quantization of vortices in superfluid helium
JS Anandan, HL Morrison - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 1981 -
[en] The quantization of circulation and the equation relating the rate of change of phase to
the chemical potential in superfluid helium are generalized covariantly. This provides a gauge…
the chemical potential in superfluid helium are generalized covariantly. This provides a gauge…
Are There Dynamical Laws?
JS Anandan - arXiv preprint quant-ph/9808045, 1998 -
The nature of a physical law is examined, and it is suggested that there may not be any
fundamental dynamical laws. This explains the intrinsic indeterminism of quantum theory. The …
fundamental dynamical laws. This explains the intrinsic indeterminism of quantum theory. The …
Remarks on cosmic strings and quantum gravity
JS Anandan - arXiv preprint gr-qc/9909031, 1999 -
A quantum equivalence principle is formulated by means of a gravitational phase operator
which is an element of the Poincare group. This is applied to the spinning cosmic string which …
which is an element of the Poincare group. This is applied to the spinning cosmic string which …
Note: f= figure, n= note, t= table.
W Abraham, V Acson, L Adam, D Adams… - The Handbook of … - Wiley Online Library
Hirschbühler, Paul 515 Hirt, Hermann 106, 115 Hitler, Adolf xviin3 Hock, Hans Henrich 22,
79, 120, 124–7, 134n6, 136n11, 147n37, 168–9n116, 173n128, 177n142, 206, 208n3, …
79, 120, 124–7, 134n6, 136n11, 147n37, 168–9n116, 173n128, 177n142, 206, 208n3, …