[BOEK][B] Urobilinurie en icterus bij onze plantenetende huisdieren

JA Beijers - 1923 - books.google.com
Getrouw aan de goede gewoonte bij het voltooien van een proefschrift een woord van dank
te brengen aan de docenten, van wie men zijn opleiding heeft genoten, wensch ik ook hier …

Copper Poisoning in Sheep.

JA Beijers - 1932 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The author describes some cases of chronic copper poisoning in sheep following the use of
Bordeaux mixture spray in an orchard. The symptoms observed were anaemia, icterus, …

Puerperal Haemoglobinuria in Cattle.

JA Beijers - 1939 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This disease of cattle occurring in the summer months in Holland was described by
WESTER and BEIJERS in 1923 as post-parturient anaemia, haemoglobinuria not then being …

Redwater in Horses and Cattle.

JA Beijers - 1933 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The cause of redwater is very often not known. The author discusses clinical cases described
in veterinary literature and describes many cases which he has himself studied. He …

The treatment of streptococcal mastitis and other inflammations of the udder with new chemotherapeutics and antibiotics.

JA Beijers, NCW Hesse, HL Berendsen - 1953 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The subject is reviewed and discussed, chiefly from the clinical point of view. Attention is
drawn to the danger to the dairy industry incipient in the lack of restrictions on the sale of …

Treatment of strongylosis in horses and small ruminants with phenothiazine.

JA Beijers, FH Van Raadshooven - 1945 - cabidigitallibrary.org
I. This paper is concerned largely with the natural history of equine strongylosis, including both
small and large worms. The therapeutic effects of oil of chenopodium, carbon tetrachloride…

Fat necrosis in cattle.

JA Beijers - 1956 - cabidigitallibrary.org
In addition to lesions in the abdominal cavity, B. observed subcutaneous fat necrosis in
calves, and occasionally in foals, particularly in the scrotal or mammary regions or near the …

Haemolytic anaemia of new-born foals.

JA Beijers, JJ Van Loghem, M Van Der Hart - 1950 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Haemoglobinuria was diagnosed in a day old thoroughbred foal. The bilirubin content of the
serum was 156 mg. per 1. ; the mucosae were not icteric. There was a distinct anaemia but …

Acetonuria in sheep.

JA Beijers - 1933 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The author describes symptoms of an acute disease (few days' course) occurring in sheep
in good condition shortly before or just after parturition. He relates it to the " domziekte " of …

Br. abortus Infection in Horses.

JA Beijers - 1932 - cabidigitallibrary.org
III. Outstanding symptoms of brucella infection of horses are a continuous fever (from 38 to
40C.) which resists the action of antipyretics, a moderate hyperleucocytosis and laziness. The …