[BOEK][B] Constructivism in Mathematics, Vol 2
AS Troelstra, D Van Dalen - 2014 - books.google.com
Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Volume 123: Constructivism in Mathematics:
An Introduction, Vol. II focuses on various studies in mathematics and logic, including …
An Introduction, Vol. II focuses on various studies in mathematics and logic, including …
Continuity of care experienced by patients in a multi-institutional pancreatic care network: a pilot study
JS Hopstaken, D van Dalen, BM van der Kolk… - BMC Health Services …, 2021 - Springer
Background Over the past decades, health care services for pancreatic surgery were
reorganized. Volume norms were applied with the result that only a limited number of expert …
reorganized. Volume norms were applied with the result that only a limited number of expert …
[BOEK][B] Sets and integration An outline of the development
D van Dalen - 2012 - books.google.com
The present text resulted from lectures given by the authors at the Rijks Universiteit at Utrecht.
These lectures were part of a series on'History of Contemporary Mathematics'. The need …
These lectures were part of a series on'History of Contemporary Mathematics'. The need …
The development of Brouwer's intuitionism
D Van Dalen - Proof Theory: History and Philosophical Significance, 2000 - Springer
It has often been said that Brouwer's papers are hard to read; leaving the truth or falsity of
that statement aside, one might wish for a guide through the intricate maze of arguments, …
that statement aside, one might wish for a guide through the intricate maze of arguments, …
Finite Kripke models of HA are locally PA
D van Dalen, H Mulder, ECW Krabbe… - Notre Dame Journal of …, 1986 - projecteuclid.org
Introduction In a Kripke model of Heyting's Arithmetic, HA, the nodes, when viewed as classical
structures, are models of classical arithmetic with (at least) Δ0!-induction. In general, it is …
structures, are models of classical arithmetic with (at least) Δ0!-induction. In general, it is …
Set theory from Cantor to Cohen
D Van Dalen - Sets and integration An outline of the development, 1972 - Springer
Set theory has dutifully performed the tasks that its founder Georg Cantor intended it to do
and many more than Cantor could even dream of. In the present historical survey we have …
and many more than Cantor could even dream of. In the present historical survey we have …
[PDF][PDF] Poincaré and Brouwer on intuition and logic
D van Dalen - Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 2012 - nieuwarchief.nl
In the beginning of the twentieth century the Dutch mathematician Luitzen Egbertus Jan
Brouwer published his first papers on intuition and logic. There is no indication that Henri …
Brouwer published his first papers on intuition and logic. There is no indication that Henri …
[PDF][PDF] How the Mathematical Objects Determine the Mathematical Principles1
D van Dalen - Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2005 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
How the Mathematical Objects Determine the Mathematical Principles1 2 Page 1 How the
Mathematical Objects Determine the Mathematical Principles1 2 Dirk van Dalen (Department of …
Mathematical Objects Determine the Mathematical Principles1 2 Dirk van Dalen (Department of …
D van Dalen - NIEUWE REEKS No. 71 - natuurwetenschappen-diligentia.nl
Voor de buitenstaander, en ik bedoel hier niet speciaal de ongetrainde leek, maar evenzeer
geoefende gebruikers zoals ingenieurs of astronomen, heeft de wiskunde de reputatie van …
geoefende gebruikers zoals ingenieurs of astronomen, heeft de wiskunde de reputatie van …
LEJ Brouwer's intuitionism: a revolution in two installments
D Van Dalen - … . Thirteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There are two main periods in Brouwer's foundational activities. The first one is covered by
the dissertation of 1907 and subsequent papers. The second one starts in 1918 with the …
the dissertation of 1907 and subsequent papers. The second one starts in 1918 with the …